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tut - a Mastodon TUI


tut [command] [options...]


A TUI for Mastodon with vim inspired keys. The program has most of the features you can find in the web client. To see keys and commands you can use inside of tut check tut(7).


Show help message
Show the version number
Add one more user to tut
Load config.toml from <path>
Load all config from <path>
Login directly to user named <name>. If you want to login to multiple accounts separate them with a space and use quotation marks. E.g. -u “acc_one acc_two”. If two users are named the same, use full name like


Runs the TUI
Generates the default configuration file in the current directory and names it ./config.example.toml


Tut is configurable, so you can change things like the colors, the default timeline, what image viewer to use and some more. Check out tut(5) or the configuration file to see all the options.

You find it in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tut/config.toml on Linux which usually equals to ~/.config/tut/config.toml. If you don’t run Linux it will use the path of the Go funcdtion os.UserConfigDir(). But if you move the tut folder to XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tut/ and have set the environment variable XDG_CONFIG_HOME it will look there instead of the standard place.

You can generate an example configuration file with tut example-config. It will be updated with potential new features.


tut(5) - configuration format
tut(7) - commands and keys inside of tut


Rasmus Lindroth.

2023-01-24 tut 2.0.0