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susepaste - paste text on openSUSE Paste


susepaste [options] [FILE]


Paste some text to the openSUSE pastebin site, namely and These links are interchangeable, both sites are the same server, so you can use either one of them. If no argument present, it will read the text from standard input. Otherwise it will paste content of the file. After pasting, it will print out URL.

Options can be changed in ~/.susepaste configuration file as variables or specified as arguments.


nickname of the author of the paste
name of the paste
API key to paste as you
what kind of syntax highlighting should be used. Default is text, possible values are:
abap ABAP
actionscript ActionScript
ada Ada
apache Apache configuration
applescript AppleScript
apt_sources Apt sources
asm ASM
asp ASP
autoconf Autoconf
autohotkey Autohotkey
autoit AutoIt
avisynth AviSynth
awk awk
bash Bash
basic4gl Basic4GL
bibtex BibTeX
blitzbasic BlitzBasic
bnf bnf
boo Boo
bf Brainfuck
c C
csharp C#
c_mac C (Mac)
cpp C++
cpp-qt C++ (QT)
caddcl CAD DCL
cadlisp CAD Lisp
cfdg CFDG
chaiscript ChaiScript
cil CIL
clojure Clojure
cmake CMake
cobol COBOL
cfm ColdFusion
css CSS
cuesheet Cuesheet
d D
dcs DCS
delphi Delphi
diff Diff
div DIV
dos DOS
dot dot
ecmascript ECMAScript
eiffel Eiffel
email eMail (mbox)
erlang Erlang
fsharp F#
fo FO (abas-ERP)
fortran Fortran
freebasic FreeBasic
4cs GADV 4CS
gambas GAMBAS
gdb GDB
genero genero
genie Genie
glsl glSlang
gml GML
gettext GNU Gettext
make GNU make
gnuplot Gnuplot
groovy Groovy
gwbasic GwBasic
haskell Haskell
hicest HicEst
hq9plus HQ9+
html4strict HTML
icon Icon
image Image (png, jpg)
ini INI
inno Inno
intercal INTERCAL
io Io
j J
java Java
java5 Java(TM) 2 Platform Standard Edition
javascript Javascript
jquery jQuery
kixtart KiXtart
klonec KLone C
klonecpp KLone C++
latex LaTeX
lisp Lisp
locobasic Locomotive Basic
logtalk Logtalk
lolcode LOLcode
lotusformula Lotus Notes @Formulas
lotusscript LotusScript
lscript LScript
lsl2 LSL2
lua Lua
magiksf MagikSF
mapbasic MapBasic
matlab Matlab M
mpasm Microchip Assembler
reg Microsoft Registry
mirc mIRC Scripting
mmix MMIX
modula2 Modula-2
modula3 Modula-3
m68k Motorola 68000 Assembler
mxml MXML
mysql MySQL
newlisp newlisp
nsis NSIS
oberon2 Oberon-2
objc Objective-C
ocaml OCaml
ocaml-brief OCaml (brief)
pf OpenBSD Packet Filter
oobas Basic
oracle8 Oracle 8 SQL
oracle11 Oracle 11 SQL
oxygene Oxygene (Delphi Prism)
oz OZ
pascal Pascal
pcre PCRE
per per
perl Perl
perl6 Perl 6
php PHP
php-brief PHP (brief)
pic16 PIC16
pike Pike
pixelbender Pixel Bender 1.0
plsql PL/SQL
text Plain Text
postgresql PostgreSQL
povray POVRAY
powerbuilder PowerBuilder
powershell PowerShell
progress Progress
prolog Prolog
properties PROPERTIES
providex ProvideX
purebasic PureBasic
python Python
q q/kdb+
qbasic QBasic/QuickBASIC
rsplus R / S+
rails Rails
rebol REBOL
robots robots.txt
rpmspec RPM Specification File
ruby Ruby
sas SAS
scala Scala
scheme Scheme
scilab SciLab
sdlbasic sdlBasic
smalltalk Smalltalk
smarty Smarty
sql SQL
systemverilo SystemVerilog
tsql T-SQL
tcl TCL
teraterm Tera Term Macro
thinbasic thinBasic
typoscript TypoScript
unicon Unicon (Unified Extended Dialect)
idl Uno Idl
vala Vala
verilog Verilog
vhdl VHDL
vim Vim Script
vb Visual Basic
visualfoxpro Visual Fox Pro
visualprolog Visual Prolog
whitespace Whitespace
whois Whois (RPSL format)
winbatch Winbatch
xpp X++
xbasic XBasic
xml XML
xorg_conf Xorg configuration
z80 ZiLOG Z80 Assembler
for how log will be paste stored on the server. Default is 30 minutes, possible values are:
30 30 Minutes
60 1 Hour
360 6 Hours
720 12 Hours
1440 1 Day
10080 1 Week
40320 1 Month
151200 3 Months
604800 1 Year
1209600 2 Years
1814400 3 Years
0 Never
what schema should be used for pasting. Default is https, possible values are:
http use http
https use https


How to post list of your usb devices:

lsusb -v | TITLE="My usb devices" NICK="Geeko" susepaste
lsusb -v | susepaste -t "My usb devices" -n "Geeko"

How to post susepaste that will last six hours:

susepaste -t "openSUSE paste" -e "360" -f "bash" `which susepaste`

How to post an image that will last three hours:

susepaste -t "openSUSE image" -e "180" -f "image" example.png


Copyright (C) 2010 by Michal Hrusecky <>

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.


Michal Hrusecky <>

April 2011 SUSEpaste 0.5