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std::system_error::system_error(3) C++ Standard Libary std::system_error::system_error(3)


std::system_error::system_error - std::system_error::system_error


system_error( std::error_code ec ); (1) (since C++11)
system_error( std::error_code ec, const std::string& what_arg ); (2) (since C++11)
system_error( std::error_code ec, const char* what_arg ); (2) (since C++11)
system_error( int ev, const std::error_category& ecat ); (3) (since C++11)
system_error( int ev, const std::error_category& ecat, (4) (since C++11)
const std::string& what_arg );
system_error( int ev, const std::error_category& ecat, (4) (since C++11)
const char* what_arg );
system_error( const system_error& other ) noexcept; (5) (since C++11)

Constructs new system error object.

1) Constructs with error code ec.
2) Constructs with error code ec and explanation string what_arg. The string
returned by what() is guaranteed to contain what_arg as a substring.
3) Constructs with underlying error code ev and associated error category ecat.
4) Constructs with underlying error code ev, associated error category ecat and
explanatory string what_arg. The string returned by what() is guaranteed to contain
what_arg as a substring (assuming that it doesn't contain an embedded null
5) Copy constructor. Initializes the contents with those of other. If *this and
other both have dynamic type std::system_error then std::strcmp(what(),
other.what()) == 0.


ec - error code
ev - underlying error code in the enumeration associated with ecat
ecat - the category of error
what_arg - explanatory string
other - another system_error to copy


Demonstrates how to create a system_error exception from an errno value.

// Run this code

#include <iostream>
#include <system_error>

int main()
throw std::system_error(EDOM, std::generic_category(), "FIX ME");
catch (const std::system_error& ex)
std::cout << "code: [" << ex.code() << "]\n"
"message: [" << ex.code().message() << "]\n"
"what: [" << ex.what() << "]\n";

Possible output:

code: [generic:33]
message: [Numerical argument out of domain]
what: [FIX ME: Numerical argument out of domain]
