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std::strstreambuf::pbackfail(3) C++ Standard Libary std::strstreambuf::pbackfail(3)


std::strstreambuf::pbackfail - std::strstreambuf::pbackfail


protected: (deprecated in C++98)
virtual int_type pbackfail( int_type c = EOF ); (removed in C++26)

This protected virtual function is called by the public functions
basic_streambuf::sungetc and basic_streambuf::sputbackc (which, in turn, are called
by basic_istream::unget and basic_istream::putback).

1) The caller is requesting that the get area is backed up by one character
(pbackfail() is called with no arguments or with EOF as the argument)
a) First, checks if there is a putback position, and if there really isn't, fails
(strstreambuf has no external character source to re-read).
b) If the caller was wrong and the putback position is in fact available, simply
decrements basic_streambuf::gptr(), e.g. by calling gbump(-1).
2) The caller attempts to putback a different character from the one retrieved
earlier (pbackfail() is called with the character that needs to be put back), in
which case
a) First, checks if there is a putback position, and if there isn't, fails.
b) Then checks what character is in the putback position. If the character held
there is already equal to (char)c, then simply decrements basic_streambuf::gptr().
c) Otherwise, if the buffer is unmodifiable (this strstreambuf was constructed with
a string literal or some other const array), fails.
d) Otherwise, decrements basic_streambuf::gptr() and writes c to the location
pointed to gptr() after adjustment.


c - the character to put back, or Traits::eof() to indicate that backing up of the
get area is requested

Return value

c on success except if c was EOF, in which case unspecified value other than EOF is

EOF on failure.


This section is incomplete
Reason: no example

See also

puts a character back into the input sequence, possibly modifying the
pbackfail input sequence
[virtual] (virtual protected member function of std::basic_streambuf<CharT,Traits>)

sungetc moves the next pointer in the input sequence back by one
(public member function of std::basic_streambuf<CharT,Traits>)
sputbackc puts one character back in the input sequence
(public member function of std::basic_streambuf<CharT,Traits>)
unget unextracts a character
(public member function of std::basic_istream<CharT,Traits>)
putback puts a character into input stream
(public member function of std::basic_istream<CharT,Traits>)


* Todo no example
