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std::basic_streambuf::sgetn,std::basic_streambuf::xsgetn(3) C++ Standard Libary std::basic_streambuf::sgetn,std::basic_streambuf::xsgetn(3)


std::basic_streambuf::sgetn,std::basic_streambuf::xsgetn - std::basic_streambuf::sgetn,std::basic_streambuf::xsgetn


std::streamsize sgetn( char_type* s, std::streamsize count ); (1)
protected: (2)
virtual std::streamsize xsgetn( char_type* s, std::streamsize count );

1) Calls xsgetn(s, count) of the most derived class.
2) Reads count characters from the input sequence and stores them into a character
array pointed to by s. The characters are read as if by repeated calls to sbumpc().
That is, if less than count characters are immediately available, the function calls
uflow() to provide more until Traits::eof() is returned.
Classes derived from std::basic_streambuf are permitted to provide more efficient
implementations of this function.


s - pointer to the beginning of a char_type array
count - maximum number of characters to read.

Return value

The number of characters successfully read. If it is less than count the input
sequence has reached the end.


The rule about "more efficient implementations" permits bulk I/O without
intermediate buffering: that's how std::ifstream::read simply passes the pointer to
the POSIX read() system call in some implementations of iostreams


This section is incomplete
Reason: no example

See also

sputn invokes xsputn()
(public member function)


* Todo no example
