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std::stop_source::stop_source(3) C++ Standard Libary std::stop_source::stop_source(3)


std::stop_source::stop_source - std::stop_source::stop_source


stop_source(); (1) (since C++20)
explicit stop_source( std::nostopstate_t nss ) noexcept; (2) (since C++20)
stop_source( const stop_source& other ) noexcept; (3) (since C++20)
stop_source( stop_source&& other ) noexcept; (4) (since C++20)

Constructs a new stop_source object.

1) Constructs a stop_source with new stop-state.
2) Constructs an empty stop_source with no associated stop-state.
3) Copy constructor. Constructs a stop_source whose associated stop-state is the
same as that of other.
4) Move constructor. Constructs a stop_source whose associated stop-state is the
same as that of other; other is left empty.


nss - an std::nostopstate_t placeholder object to construct an empty stop_source
other - another stop_source object to construct this stop_source object with


1) stop_possible() is true and stop_requested() is false.
2) stop_possible() and stop_requested() are both false.
3) *this and other share the same associated stop-state and compare equal.
4) *this has other's previously associated stop-state, and other.stop_possible() is


1) std::bad_alloc if memory could not be allocated for the stop-state.
