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std::stacktrace_entry(3) C++ Standard Libary std::stacktrace_entry(3)


std::stacktrace_entry - std::stacktrace_entry


Defined in header <stacktrace>
class stacktrace_entry; (since C++23)

The stacktrace_entry class provides operations for querying information about an
evaluation in a stacktrace. Each stacktrace_entry object is either empty, or
represents an evaluation in a stacktrace.

stacktrace_entry models std::regular and

Member types

native_handle_type(C++23) implementation-defined native handle type

Member functions

constructor constructs a new stacktrace_entry
(C++23) (public member function)
destructor destroys the stacktrace_entry
(C++23) (public member function)
operator= assigns the contents of one stacktrace_entry to another
(C++23) (public member function)


native_handle gets the implementation-defined native handle of the stacktrace_entry
(C++23) (public member function)
operator bool checks whether the stacktrace_entry is empty
(C++23) (public member function)
description gets the description of the evaluation represented by the
(C++23) stacktrace_entry
(public member function)
gets the name of the source file that lexically contains the
source_file expression or statement whose evaluation is represented by the
(C++23) stacktrace_entry
(public member function)
source_line gets the line number that lexically relates the evaluation represented
(C++23) by the stacktrace_entry
(public member function)

Non-member functions

operator== compares two stacktrace_entry values
operator<=> (function)
to_string returns a string with a description of the stacktrace_entry
(C++23) (function)
operator<< performs stream output of stacktrace_entry
(C++23) (function template)

Helper classes

std::hash<std::stacktrace_entry> hash support for std::stacktrace_entry
(C++23) (class template specialization)
std::formatter<std::stacktrace_entry> formatting support for stacktrace_entry
(C++23) (class template specialization)


boost::stacktrace::frame (available in Boost.Stacktrace) can be used instead when
std::stacktrace_entry is not available.

Feature-test macro Value Std Feature
__cpp_lib_stacktrace 202011L (C++23) Stacktrace library


This section is incomplete
Reason: no example

See also

basic_stacktrace approximate representation of an invocation sequence consists of
(C++23) stacktrace entries
(class template)
source_location a class representing information about the source code, such as
(C++20) file names, line numbers, and function names


* Todo no example
