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std::source_location::column(3) C++ Standard Libary std::source_location::column(3)


std::source_location::column - std::source_location::column


constexpr std::uint_least32_t column() const noexcept; (since C++20)

Returns an implementation-defined value representing some offset from the start of
the line represented by this object (i.e., the column number). Column numbers are
presumed to be 1-indexed.



Return value

An implementation-defined value representing some offset from the start of the line
represented by this object (i.e., the column number).

An implementation is encouraged to use 0 when the column number is unknown.


// Run this code

#include <iostream>
#include <source_location>

template<typename T = std::source_location>
inline void pos(const T& location = T::current())
<< "("
<< location.line()
<< ':'
<< location.column()
<< ") ";

int main()
// ↓: column #9
pos(); std::cout << "Proxima\n"; // row #18
pos(); std::cout << "Centauri\n"; // row #19
// ↑: column #11

Possible output:

(18:9) Proxima
(19:11) Centauri

See also

line return the line number represented by this object
(public member function)
file_name return the file name represented by this object
(public member function)
function_name return the name of the function represented by this object, if any
(public member function)
Filename and line information
