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std::regex_traits::transform_primary(3) C++ Standard Libary std::regex_traits::transform_primary(3)


std::regex_traits::transform_primary - std::regex_traits::transform_primary


template< class ForwardIt >
string_type transform_primary( ForwardIt first, ForwardIt last ) const;

For the character sequence [first, last), obtains the primary sort key in the imbued
locale's collating order, that is, the sort key that is based on the positions of
the letters and collation units in the national alphabet, ignoring case, diacritics,
variants, etc. If a primary sort key compares less than another primary sort key
with operator<, then the character sequence that produced the first sort key comes
before the character sequence that produced the second sort key, in the currently
imbued locale's primary collation order.

The regex library uses this trait to match characters against equivalence classes.
For example, the regex [[=a=]] is equivalent to the character c1 if
traits.transform_primary(c1) is equivalent to traits.transform_primary("a") (which
is true for any c1 from "AÀÁÂÃÄ? a? áâãäå" in the U.S. English locale).
Note that transform_primary() takes a character sequence argument because
equivalence classes may be multicharacter, such as [[=ch=]] in Czech or [[=dzs=]] in

There is no portable way to define primary sort key in terms of std::locale since
the conversion from the collation key returned by std::collate::transform() to the
primary equivalence key is locale-specific, and if the user replaces the
std::collate facet, that conversion is no longer known to the standard library's
std::regex_traits. Standard library specializations of std::regex_traits return an
empty string unless the std::collate facet of the currently-imbued locale was not
replaced by the user, and still matches the system-supplied std::collate facet), in
which case std::collate_byname<charT>::transform(first, last) is executed and the
sort key it produces is converted to the expected primary sort key using a
locale-specific conversion.


first, last - a pair of iterators which determines the sequence of characters to

Type requirements

ForwardIt must meet the requirements of LegacyForwardIterator.

Return value

The primary sort key for the character sequence [first, last) in the currently
imbued locale, ignoring case, variant, diacritics, etc.


Demonstrates the regex feature that works through transform_primary()

// Run this code

#include <iostream>
#include <regex>

int main()
std::wstring str = L"AÀÁÂÃÄÅaàáâãäå";
std::wregex re(L"[[=a=]]*", std::regex::basic);
std::cout << std::boolalpha << std::regex_match(str, re) << '\n';



This section is incomplete
Reason: could use an example with user-defined regex_traits supplying user-defined
