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std::istreambuf_iterator::istreambuf_iterator(3) C++ Standard Libary std::istreambuf_iterator::istreambuf_iterator(3)


std::istreambuf_iterator::istreambuf_iterator - std::istreambuf_iterator::istreambuf_iterator


istreambuf_iterator() throw(); (until
constexpr istreambuf_iterator() noexcept; (since
constexpr istreambuf_iterator( (2) (since
std::default_sentinel_t ) noexcept; C++20)
istreambuf_iterator( (until
std::basic_istream<CharT,Traits>& is ) C++11)
istreambuf_iterator( (since
std::basic_istream<CharT,Traits>& is ) C++11)
noexcept; (1)
istreambuf_iterator( (until
std::basic_streambuf<CharT,Traits>* s ) C++11)
throw(); (3)
istreambuf_iterator( (since
std::basic_streambuf<CharT,Traits>* s ) C++11)
noexcept; (4)
istreambuf_iterator( const /* proxy */& p ) (until
throw(); C++11)
istreambuf_iterator( const /* proxy */& p ) (5) (since
noexcept; C++11)
istreambuf_iterator( const (6) (since
istreambuf_iterator& ) noexcept = default; C++11)

1,2) Constructs an end-of-stream iterator.
3) Initializes the iterator and stores the value of is.rdbuf() in a data member. If
is.rdbuf() is null, then end-of-stream iterator is constructed.
4) Initializes the iterator and stores the value of s in a data member. If s is
null, then end-of-stream iterator is constructed.
5) Effectively call (3) with the streambuf_type* pointer p holds.
6) The copy constructor is trivial and explicitly defaulted.

The copy constructor is effectively implicitly declared and not (until C++11)
guaranteed to be trivial.


is - stream to obtain the stream buffer from
s - stream buffer to initialize the iterator with
p - object of the implementation-defined proxy type
