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std::from_range,std::from_range_t(3) C++ Standard Libary std::from_range,std::from_range_t(3)


std::from_range,std::from_range_t - std::from_range,std::from_range_t


Defined in header <ranges>
struct from_range_t { explicit from_range_t() = default; }; (since C++23)
inline constexpr std::from_range_t from_range {}; (since C++23)

std::from_range is a disambiguation tag that can be passed to the constructors of
the suitable containers to indicate that the contained member is range constructed.

The corresponding type std::from_range_t can be used in the constructor's parameter
list to match the intended tag.

Standard library

The following standard library types use std::from_range_t type in their

Containers library

constructor constructs the vector from a range
(C++23) (public member function of std::vector<T,Allocator>)
constructor constructs the deque from a range
(C++23) (public member function of std::deque<T,Allocator>)
constructor constructs the forward_list from a range
(C++23) (public member function of std::forward_list<T,Allocator>)
constructor constructs the list from a range
(C++23) (public member function of std::list<T,Allocator>)
constructor constructs the set from a range
(C++23) (public member function of std::set<Key,Compare,Allocator>)
constructor constructs the map from a range
(C++23) (public member function of std::map<Key,T,Compare,Allocator>)
constructor constructs the multiset from a range
(C++23) (public member function of std::multiset<Key,Compare,Allocator>)
constructor constructs the multimap from a range
(C++23) (public member function of std::multimap<Key,T,Compare,Allocator>)
constructor constructs the unordered_set from a range
(C++23) (public member function of
constructor constructs the unordered_map from a range
(C++23) (public member function of
constructor constructs the unordered_multiset from a range
(C++23) (public member function of
constructor constructs the unordered_multimap from a range
(C++23) (public member function of
constructor constructs the priority_queue from a range
(C++23) (public member function of std::priority_queue<T,Container,Compare>)
constructor constructs the queue from a range
(C++23) (public member function of std::queue<T,Container>)
constructor constructs the stack from a range
(C++23) (public member function of std::stack<T,Container>)
constructor constructs the flat_set from a range
(C++23) (public member function of std::flat_set<Key,Compare,KeyContainer>)
constructor constructs the flat_map from a range
(C++23) (public member function of
constructor constructs the flat_multiset from a range
(C++23) (public member function of
constructor constructs the flat_multimap from a range
(C++23) (public member function of

Strings library

constructor constructs the basic_string from a range
(C++23) (public member function of std::basic_string<CharT,Traits,Allocator>)


Feature-test macro Value Std Feature
__cpp_lib_containers_ranges 202202L (C++23) Tagged constructors to construct from
container compatible range


// Run this code

#include <cassert>
#include <string>

int main()
#ifdef __cpp_lib_containers_ranges
auto const range = {0x43, 43, 43};
std::string str{std::from_range, range}; // uses tagged constructor
assert(str == "C++");

See also

in_place_index in-place construction tag
in_place_t (tag)
sorted_equivalent indicates that elements of a range are sorted (uniqueness is not
sorted_equivalent_t required)
(C++23) (tag)
sorted_unique indicates that elements of a range are sorted and unique
sorted_unique_t (tag)
ranges::to constructs a new non-view object from an input range
(C++23) (function template)
