std::experimental::unique_resource(3) | C++ Standard Libary | std::experimental::unique_resource(3) |
std::experimental::unique_resource - std::experimental::unique_resource
Defined in header <experimental/scope>
template< class R, class D > (library fundamentals TS v3)
class unique_resource;
unique_resource is universal RAII wrapper for resource handles that owns and
a resource through a handle and disposes of that resource when the
is destroyed.
The resource is disposed of using the deleter of type D when either of the
* the managing unique_resource object is destroyed,
* the managing unique_resource object is assigned from another resource via
operator= or reset().
Let type RS be R if R is an object type, or
std::reference_wrapper<std::remove_reference_t<R>> otherwise:
* unique_resource effectively holds a subobject of type RS which is or wraps
resource handle, a deleter of type D and a bool flag indicating whether the
wrapper is owning the resource.
* For explanatory purpose, the subobject of type RS is called stored resource
handle, and the stored (if R is an object type) or wrapped (if R is a
type) R is called underlying resource handle. These two terms are not used by
the LFTS.
Template parameters¶
R - resource handle type
D - deleter type
Type requirements¶
R shall be an object type or an lvalue reference to an object type. Let
UnrefR be
std::remove_reference_t<R>, UnrefR shall be MoveConstructible, and if
UnrefR is not
CopyConstructible, std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<UnrefR> shall
be true.
D shall be a Destructible and MoveConstructible FunctionObject type, and if D
is not
CopyConstructible, std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<D> shall be
true. Given an
lvalue d of type D and an lvalue r of type UnrefR, the expression d(r) shall
Member functions¶
constructor constructs a new unique_resource
(public member function)
destructor disposes the managed resource if such is present
(public member function)
operator= assigns a unique_resource
(public member function)
release releases the ownership
(public member function)
reset disposes or replaces the managed resource
(public member function)
get accesses the underlying resource handle
(public member function)
get_deleter accesses the deleter used for disposing of the managed resource
(public member function)
operator* accesses the pointee if the resource handle is a pointer
operator-> (public member function)
Non-member functions¶
make_unique_resource_checked creates a unique_resource, checking
invalid value
(function template)
Deduction guides
Resource handle types satisfying NullablePointer can also be
managed by
std::unique_ptr. Unlike unique_ptr, unique_resource does not require
This section is incomplete
Reason: no example
See also¶
unique_ptr smart pointer with unique object ownership semantics
(C++11) (class template)
* Todo no example
2024.06.10 | |