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std::experimental::ranges::equal_to(3) | C++ Standard Libary | std::experimental::ranges::equal_to(3) |
std::experimental::ranges::equal_to - std::experimental::ranges::equal_to
Defined in header <experimental/ranges/functional>
template< class T = void >
requires EqualityComparable<T> ||
Same<T, void> || (ranges TS)
/* == on two const T lvalues invokes a built-in operator
comparing pointers */
struct equal_to;
template<> (ranges TS)
struct equal_to<void>;
Function object for performing comparisons. The primary template invokes
operator ==
on const lvalues of type T. The specialization equal_to<void> deduces
the parameter
types of the function call operator from the arguments (but not the return
All specializations of equal_to are Semiregular.
Member types¶
Member type Definition
is_transparent (member only of equal_to<void> specialization) /*
unspecified */
Member functions¶
operator() checks if the arguments are equal
(public member function)
constexpr bool operator()(const T& x, const T& y) (1) (member
only of primary
const; equal_to<T> template)
template< class T, class U >
requires EqualityComparableWith<T, U> ||
/* std::declval<T>() == (member only of equal_to<void>
std::declval<U>() resolves to (2) specialization)
a built-in operator comparing
pointers */
constexpr bool operator()(T&& t, U&& u) const;
1) Compares x and y. Equivalent to return ranges::equal_to<>{}(x, y);.
2) Compares t and u. Equivalent to return std::forward<T>(t) ==
except when that expression resolves to a call to a builtin operator ==
When a call to (1) or (2) would invoke a built-in operator
comparing pointers of
type P, the result is instead determined as follows:
* Returns false if one of the (possibly converted) value of the first
argument and
the (possibly converted) value of the second argument precedes the other in
implementation-defined strict total ordering over all pointer values of type
This strict total ordering is consistent with the partial order imposed by
builtin operators <, >, <=, and >=.
* Otherwise (neither precedes the other), returns true.
The behavior is undefined unless the conversion sequences from both T and U
to P are
equality-preserving (see below).
Equality preservation
An expression is equality preserving if it results in equal outputs given
* The inputs to an expression consist of its operands.
* The outputs of an expression consist of its result and all operands
modified by
the expression (if any).
Every expression required to be equality preserving is further required to be
stable: two evaluations of such an expression with the same input objects
must have
equal outputs absent any explicit intervening modification of those input
Unlike std::equal_to, ranges::equal_to requires both == and != to
be valid (via the
EqualityComparable and EqualityComparableWith constraints).
This section is incomplete
Reason: no example
See also¶
equal_to function object implementing x == y
(class template)
* Todo no example
2024.06.10 | |