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std::experimental::promise(libraryfundamentalsTS)(3) C++ Standard Libary std::experimental::promise(libraryfundamentalsTS)(3)


std::experimental::promise(libraryfundamentalsTS) - std::experimental::promise(libraryfundamentalsTS)


Defined in header <experimental/future>
template< class R > class promise; (1) (library fundamentals TS)
template< class R > class promise<R&>; (2) (library fundamentals TS)
template<> class promise<void>; (3) (library fundamentals TS)

std::experimental::fundamentals_v1::promise (and
std::experimental::fundamentals_v2::promise) is a modified version of std::promise
provided by the library fundamentals TS with support for type-erased allocators.

Member types

Member type Definition
allocator_type std::experimental::erased_type

Member functions

constructor constructs the promise object
(public member function)
retrieves a pointer to the memory resource used by this object
get_memory_resource to allocate memory
(public member function)

Non-member function

std::experimental::swap(std::experimental::promise) specializes the swap algorithm
(function template)

Helper classes

specializes the std::uses_allocator
std::uses_allocator<std::experimental::promise> type trait
(class template specialization)

Members identical to std::promise

Member functions

destructor destructs the promise object
(public member function of std::promise<R>)
operator= assigns the shared state
(public member function of std::promise<R>)
swap swaps two promise objects
(public member function of std::promise<R>)

Getting the result

get_future returns a future associated with the promised result
(public member function of std::promise<R>)

Setting the result

set_value sets the result to specific value
(public member function of std::promise<R>)
sets the result to specific value while delivering the
set_value_at_thread_exit notification only at thread exit
(public member function of std::promise<R>)
set_exception sets the result to indicate an exception
(public member function of std::promise<R>)
sets the result to indicate an exception while
set_exception_at_thread_exit delivering the notification only at thread exit
(public member function of std::promise<R>)
