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std::experimental::latch(3) C++ Standard Libary std::experimental::latch(3)


std::experimental::latch - std::experimental::latch


Defined in header <experimental/latch>
class latch; (concurrency TS)

The latch class is a downward counter of type ptrdiff_t which can be used to
synchronize threads. The value of the counter is initialized on creation. Threads
may block on the latch until the counter is decremented to zero. There is no
possibility to increase or reset the counter, which makes the latch a single-use

Unlike std::experimental::barrier, std::experimental::latch can be decremented by a
participating thread more than once.

Member functions

constructor constructs a latch
(public member function)
destructor destroys the latch
(public member function)
operator= not copy-assignable
[deleted] (public member function)
count_down_and_wait decrements the counter by 1 and blocks until it reaches zero
(public member function)
count_down decrements the counter in a non-blocking manner
(public member function)
is_ready tests if the internal counter equals zero
(public member function)
wait blocks until the counter reaches zero
(public member function)
