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std::experimental::filesystem::file_type(3) C++ Standard Libary std::experimental::filesystem::file_type(3)


std::experimental::filesystem::file_type - std::experimental::filesystem::file_type


Defined in header <experimental/filesystem>
enum class file_type {

none = 0,
not_found = -1,
regular = 1,
directory = 2,
symlink = 3, (filesystem TS)
block = 4,
character = 5,
fifo = 6,
socket = 7,
unknown = 8


Indicates a type of a file or directory a path refers to.

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Constant Meaning
none indicates that the file status has not been evaluated yet, or an error
occurred when evaluating it
not_found indicates that the file was not found (this is not considered an error)
regular a regular file
directory a directory
symlink a symbolic link
block a block special file
character a character special file
fifo a FIFO (also known as pipe) file
socket a socket file
unknown an unknown file

See also

This section is incomplete
