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std::experimental::filesystem::current_path(3) C++ Standard Libary std::experimental::filesystem::current_path(3)


std::experimental::filesystem::current_path - std::experimental::filesystem::current_path


Defined in header <experimental/filesystem>
path current_path(); (1) (filesystem TS)
path current_path( error_code& ec ); (2) (filesystem TS)
void current_path( const path& p ); (3) (filesystem TS)
void current_path( const path& p, error_code& ec ); (4) (filesystem TS)

Returns or changes the current path.

1,2) Returns the absolute path of the current working directory, obtained as if by
POSIX getcwd. (2) returns path() if error occurs.
3,4) Changes the current working directory to p, as if by POSIX chdir.


p - path to change the current working directory to
ec - out-parameter for error reporting in the non-throwing overloads

Return value

1,2) Returns the current working directory.
3,4) (none)


1,2) The overload that does not take an error_code& parameter throws
filesystem_error on underlying OS API errors, constructed with the OS error code as
the error code argument. std::bad_alloc may be thrown if memory allocation fails.
The overload taking an error_code& parameter sets it to the OS API error code if an
OS API call fails, and executes ec.clear() if no errors occur. This overload has
noexcept specification:

3,4) The overload that does not take an error_code& parameter throws
filesystem_error on underlying OS API errors, constructed with p as the first
argument and the OS error code as the error code argument. std::bad_alloc may be
thrown if memory allocation fails. The overload taking an error_code& parameter sets
it to the OS API error code if an OS API call fails, and executes ec.clear() if no
errors occur. This overload has
noexcept specification:


The current working directory is the directory that is used as the starting location
in path resolution for relative paths. Single current working directory is
associated with entire process.

The current working directory is a dangerous global state of the program. Behavior
of various file input/output related functions are affected by the value of the
current path. The current path may be unexpectedly changed by any component of the
program, including various external libraries or other threads.

See also

This section is incomplete


* Noindexed pages
* unconditionally noexcept
* Todo without reason

Hidden categories:

* Pages with unreviewed unconditional noexcept template
* Pages with unreviewed noexcept template
