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std::exception(3) C++ Standard Libary std::exception(3)


std::exception - std::exception


Defined in header <exception>
class exception;

Provides consistent interface to handle errors through the throw expression.

All exceptions generated by the standard library inherit from std::exception

* logic_error

* invalid_argument
* domain_error
* length_error
* out_of_range
* future_error(C++11)

* bad_optional_access(C++17)
* runtime_error

* range_error
* overflow_error
* underflow_error
* regex_error(C++11)
* system_error(C++11)

* ios_base::failure(C++11)
* filesystem::filesystem_error(C++17)

* tx_exception(TM TS)
* nonexistent_local_time(C++20)
* ambiguous_local_time(C++20)
* format_error(C++20)

* bad_typeid
* bad_cast

* bad_any_cast(C++17)

* bad_weak_ptr(C++11)
* bad_function_call(C++11)
* bad_alloc

* bad_array_new_length(C++11)

* bad_exception
* ios_base::failure(until C++11)
* bad_variant_access(C++17)

Member functions

constructor constructs the exception object
(public member function)
destructor destroys the exception object
[virtual] (virtual public member function)
operator= copies exception object
(public member function)
what returns an explanatory string
[virtual] (virtual public member function)
