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std::error_code(3) C++ Standard Libary std::error_code(3)


std::error_code - std::error_code


Defined in header <system_error>
class error_code; (since C++11)

std::error_code represents a platform-dependent error code value. Each
std::error_code object holds an error code value originating from the operating
system or some low-level interface and a pointer to an object of type
std::error_category, which corresponds to the said interface. The error code values
are not required to be unique across different error categories.

Member functions

constructor constructs an error code
(public member function)
operator= assigns another error code
(public member function)
assign assigns another error code
(public member function)


clear sets the error_code to value 0 in system_category
(public member function)


value obtains the value of the error_code
(public member function)
category obtains the error_category for this error_code
(public member function)
default_error_condition obtains the error_condition for this error_code
(public member function)
message obtains the explanatory string for this error_code
(public member function)
operator bool checks if the value is non-zero
(public member function)

Non-member functions

operator< compares two error_codes
operator<=> (function)
(removed in C++20)
(removed in C++20)
operator<< outputs the value and the category name to an output stream

Helper classes

is_error_code_enum identifies a class as an error_code enumeration
(C++11) (class template)
std::hash<std::error_code> hash support for std::error_code
(C++11) (class template specialization)

See also

error_condition holds a portable error code
(C++11) (class)
error_category base class for error categories
(C++11) (class)
make_error_code(std::errc) creates error code value for errc enum e
(C++11) (function)
