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std::coroutine_handle::operator(),std::coroutine_handle::resume(3) C++ Standard Libary std::coroutine_handle::operator(),std::coroutine_handle::resume(3)


std::coroutine_handle::operator(),std::coroutine_handle::resume - std::coroutine_handle::operator(),std::coroutine_handle::resume


Member of other specializations
void operator()() const; (1) (since
void resume() const; C++20)
Member of specialization
constexpr void operator()() const noexcept; (2) (since
constexpr void resume() const noexcept; C++20)

1) Resumes the execution of the coroutine to which *this refers, or does nothing if
the coroutine is a no-op coroutine.
2) Does nothing.

The behavior is undefined if *this does not refer to suspended coroutine, or the
coroutine is not a no-op coroutine and suspended at its final suspend point. A
concurrent resumption of the coroutine may result in a data race.

Resumption of a coroutine on an execution agent other than the one on which it was
suspended has implementation-defined behavior unless each execution agent either is
a thread represented by std::thread or std::jthread, or is the thread executing



Return value



If an exception is thrown from the execution of the coroutine, the exception is
caught and unhandled_exception is called on the coroutine's promise object. If the
call to unhandled_exception throws or rethrows an exception, that exception is


A coroutine that is resumed on a different execution agent should avoid relying on
consistent thread identity throughout, such as holding a mutex object across a
suspend point.


This section is incomplete
Reason: no example

See also

destroy destroys a coroutine
(C++20) (public member function)
