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std::chrono::utc_clock(3) C++ Standard Libary std::chrono::utc_clock(3)


std::chrono::utc_clock - std::chrono::utc_clock


Defined in header <chrono>
class utc_clock; (since C++20)

The clock std::chrono::utc_clock is a Clock that represents Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC). It measures time since 00:00:00 UTC, Thursday, 1 January 1970, including
leap seconds.

utc_clock meets the Clock requirements. It does not meet the TrivialClock
requirements unless the implementation can guarantee that now() does not throw an

Member types

Member type Definition
rep signed arithmetic type representing the number of ticks in the clock's
period a std::ratio type representing the tick period of the clock, in seconds
duration std::chrono::duration<rep, period>, capable of representing negative
time_point std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::utc_clock>

Member constants

true if the time between ticks is always constant, i.e.
constexpr bool is_steady calls to now() return values that increase monotonically
[static] even in case of some external clock adjustment, otherwise
(public static member constant)

Member functions

now returns a std::chrono::time_point representing the current point in time
[static] (public static member function)
to_sys converts utc_time to sys_time
[static] (public static member function)
from_sys converts sys_time to utc_time
[static] (public static member function)

Non-member functions

get_leap_second_info obtains leap second insertion information from a utc_time
(C++20) object
(function template)

Helper classes

leap_second_info leap second insertion information
(C++20) (class)


The official UTC epoch is 1 January 1972. utc_clock uses 1 January 1970 instead to
be consistent with std::chrono::system_clock.
