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Mo(3) | User Contributed Perl Documentation | Mo(3) |
Mo - Micro Objects. Mo is less.
package Less; use Mo; extends 'Nothing'; has something => ();
use Mo. Mo is less. Much less.
Moose is huge. Moose led to Mouse led to Moo led to Mo. M is nothing. Mo is more. Not much.
When Moo is more than you need, drop an 'o' and get some Mo.
To get just a little Mo from Mo, use "Mo Features" below.
Core Features¶
This is what you get. Nothing Mo.
- "new" method
- Mo provides a "new" object constructor.
You pass it a list of name/value pairs and it returns a new object.
Constructor will not call BUILD methods. This is available using the Mo::build feature.
- "extends"
- Mo exports the "extends" keyword, to
declare your parent class. "Mo::Object"
itself is your default parent class.
Mo only supports single inheritance. If you need multiple inheritance or roles, you should upgrade to Moo.
- "has"
- Mo exports a "has" keyword, to generate
These accessors always support both "get" and "set" operations. That's it.
has name => (); has thing => (foo => 'bar'); # arguments silently ignored
All arguments passed to "has" are ignored. This makes it easier to switch between Mo and Moo, without having to change all your accessors.
- "strict" and "warnings"
- Mo turns on "use strict" and "use warnings" for you.
- Embeddable
- Mo is tiny. It is compressed into a single line. You can easily inline it in your code, should you want to do that. See Mo::Inline for more information, including a utility that will do it for you.
Mo Features¶
Mo is the bare minimum needed for Perl OO. Many times you'll want just a couple more features. Don't worry. Mo's got you covered:
use Mo qw'build default builder coerce is required'; has name1 => ( default => sub { 'Joe' } ); has name2 => ( builder => 'name_builder' ); has name3 => ( coerce => sub {$_[0]} ); has name4 => ( is => 'ro' ); has name4 => ( required => 1 ); sub BUILD { my $self = shift; ... }
Mo simply loads the feature classes Mo::build, Mo::default, Mo::builder, Mo::coerce, Mo::is and Mo::required. The first one supports BUILD constructing and the other three add their magics to "has". A Mo::Feature module can enhance "new", "extends" and "has", and also add new export subs, or remove existing ones. Features can also be combined for a single accessor. See Mo::Features for a list of all the features and for an explanation of the Feature API..
Ingy döt Net <>
Damien 'dams' Krotkine <>
Matt S. Trout (mst) <>
Christian Walde <>
Alessandro Ranellucci (aar/alexrj) <>
Carlos Lima (priodev) <>
Copyright and License¶
Copyright (c) 2011-2013. Ingy döt Net.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
2016-07-08 | perl v5.40.0 |