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Date::Manip::Lang::romanian(3) | User Contributed Perl Documentation | Date::Manip::Lang::romanian(3) |
Date::Manip::Lang::romanian - Romanian language support.
This module contains a list of words and expressions supporting the language. It is not intended to be used directly (other Date::Manip modules will load it as needed).
The following is a list of all language words and expressions used to write times and/or dates.
All strings are case insensitive.
- Month names and abbreviations
- When writing out the name of the month, several different variations may
exist including full names and abbreviations.
The following month names may be used:
ianuarie februarie martie aprilie mai iunie iulie august septembrie octombrie noiembrie decembrie
The following abbreviations may be used:
ian feb febr mart mar apr mai iun iul aug sept sep oct nov noi dec
- Day names and abbreviations
- When writing out the name of the day, several different variations may
exist including full names and abbreviations.
The following day names may be used:
luni marți marti marþi marţi miercuri joi vineri sâmbătă sambata duminică duminica
The following abbreviations may be used:
lun lu mar ma mie mi joi jo vin vi sâm sam sb dum du
The following short (1-2 characters) abbreviations may be used:
L Ma Mi J V S D
- Delta field names
- These are the names (and abbreviations) for the fields in a delta. There
are 7 fields: years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds.
The names and abbreviations for these fields are:
ani an a luna lună luni l saptamini săptămîni saptamina săptămîna sapt săpt zile zi z ora oră ore h minute min m secunde sec s
- Morning/afternoon times
- This is a list of expressions use to designate morning or afternoon time
when a time is entered as a 12-hour time rather than a 24-hour time. For
example, in English, the time "17:00" could be specified as
"5:00 PM".
Morning and afternoon time may be designated by the following sets of words:
- Each or every
- There are a list of words that specify every occurrence of something.
These are used in the following phrases:
EACH Monday EVERY Monday EVERY month
The following words may be used:
- Next/Previous/Last occurrence
- There are a list of words that may be used to specify the next, previous,
or last occurrence of something. These words could be used in the
following phrases:
NEXT week LAST Tuesday PREVIOUS Tuesday LAST day of the month
The following words may be used:
Next occurrence:
urmatoarea următoarea
Previous occurrence:
precedenta ultima
Last occurrence:
- Delta words for going forward/backward in time
- When parsing deltas, there are words that may be used to specify the the
delta will refer to a time in the future or to a time in the past
(relative to some date). In English, for example, you might say:
IN 5 days 5 days AGO
The following words may be used to specify deltas that refer to dates in the past or future respectively:
in urma în urmă in în mai tirziu mai tîrziu
- Business mode
- This contains two lists of words which can be used to specify a standard
(i.e. non-business) delta or a business delta.
Previously, it was used to tell whether the delta was approximate or exact, but now this list is not used except to force the delta to be standard.
The following words may be used:
exact aproximativ
The following words may be used to specify a business delta:
lucratoare lucrătoare de lucru
- Numbers
- Numbers may be spelled out in a variety of ways. The following sets
correspond to the numbers from 1 to 53:
a 1-a prima prima intii întîi unu a 2-a a doua a doua doi a 3-a a treia trei a 4-a a patra patru a 5-a a cincea cinci a 6-a a sasea a şasea sase şase a 7-a a saptea a şaptea sapte şapte a 8-a a opta opt a 9-a a noua noua nouă a 10-a a zecea zece a 11-a a unsprezecea unsprezece a 12-a a doisprezecea doisprezece a 13-a a treisprezecea treisprezece a 14-a a patrusprezecea patrusprezece paisprezece a 15-a a cincisprezecea cincisprezece a 16-a a saiprezecea a şaiprezecea saiprezece şaiprezece a 17-a a saptesprezecea a şaptesprezecea saptesprezece şaptesprezece a 18-a a optsprezecea optsprezece a 19-a a nouasprezecea a nouăsprezecea nouasprezece nouăsprezece a 20-a a douazecea a douăzecea douazeci douăzeci a 21-a a douazecisiuna a douăzecişiuna douazecisiunu douăzecişiunu a 22-a a douazecisidoua a douăzecişidoua douazecisidoi douăzecişidoi a 23-a a douazecisitreia a douăzecişitreia douazecisitrei douăzecişitrei a 24-a a douazecisipatra a douăzecişipatra douazecisipatru douăzecisipatru a 25-a a douazecisicincea a douăzecişicincea douazecisicinci douăzecişicinci a 26-a a douazecisisasea a douăzecişişasea douazecisisase douăzecişişase a 27-a a douazecisisaptea a douăzecişişaptea douazecisisapte douăzecişişapte a 28-a a douazecisiopta a douăzecişiopta douazecisiopt douăzecişiopt a 29-a a douazecisinoua a douăzecişinoua douazecisinoua douăzecişinouă a 30-a a treizecea treizeci a 31-a a treizecisiuna a treizecişiuna treizecisiunu treizecişiunu a 32-a a treizecisidoua a treizecişdoua treizecişidoi treizecisidoi a 33-a a treizecisitreia a treizeciştreia treizecişitrei treizecisitrei a 34-a a treizecisipatra a treizecişpatra treizecişipatru treizecisipatru a 35-a a treizecisicincea a treizecişcincea treizecişicinci treizecisicinci a 36-a a treizecisisasea a treizecişşasea treizecişişase treizecisisase a 37-a a treizecisisaptea a treizecişşaptea treizecişişapte treizecisisapte a 38-a a treizecisiopta a treizecişopta treizecişiopt treizecisiopt a 39-a a treizecisinoua a treizecişnoua treizecişinouă treizecisinoua a 40-a a patruzecea patruzeci a 41-a a patruzecisiuna a patruzecişiuna patruzecisiunu patruzecişiunu a 42-a a patruzecisidoua a patruzecişidoua patruzecişidoi patruzecisidoi a 43-a a patruzecisitreia a patruzecişitreia patruzecişitrei patruzecisitrei a 44-a a patruzecisipatra a patruzecişipatra patruzecişipatru patruzecisipatru a 45-a a patruzecisicincea a patruzecişicincea patruzecişicinci patruzecisicinci a 46-a a patruzecisisasea a patruzecişişasea patruzecişişase patruzecisisase a 47-a a patruzecisisaptea a patruzecişişaptea patruzecişişapte patruzecisisapte a 48-a a patruzecisiopta a patruzecişiopta patruzecişiopt patruzecisiopt a 49-a a patruzecisinoua a patruzecişinoua patruzecişinouă patruzecisinoua a 50-a a cincizecea cincizeci a 51-a a cincizecisiuna a cincizecişiuna cincizecisiunu cincizecişiunu a 52-a a cincizecisidoua a cincizecişidoua cincizecişidoi cincizecisidoi a 53-a a cincizecisitreia a cincizecişitreia cincizecişitrei cincizecisitrei
- Ignored words
- In writing out dates in common forms, there are a number of words that are
typically not important.
There is frequently a word that appears in a phrase to designate that a time is going to be specified next. In English, you would use the word AT in the example:
December 3 at 12:00
The following words may be used:
Another word is used to designate one member of a set. In English, you would use the words IN or OF:
1st day OF December 1st day IN December
The following words may be used:
din in n
Another word is use to specify that something is on a certain date. In English, you would use ON:
ON July 5th
The following words may be used:
- Words that set the date, time, or both
- There are some words that can be used to specify a date, a time, or both
relative to now.
Words that set the date are similar to the English words 'yesterday' or 'tomorrow'. These are specified as a delta which is added to the current time to get a date. The time is NOT set however, so the delta is only partially used (it should only include year, month, week, and day fields).
The following words may be used:
alaltaieri -0:0:0:2:0:0:0 alaltăieri -0:0:0:2:0:0:0 astazi 0:0:0:0:0:0:0 astăzi 0:0:0:0:0:0:0 azi 0:0:0:0:0:0:0 ieri -0:0:0:1:0:0:0 miine +0:0:0:1:0:0:0 mîine +0:0:0:1:0:0:0 poimiine +0:0:0:2:0:0:0 poimîine +0:0:0:2:0:0:0
Words that set only the time of day are similar to the English words 'noon' or 'midnight'.
The following words may be used:
amiaza 12:00:00 amiază 12:00:00 miezul noptii 00:00:00 miezul nopții 00:00:00
Words that set the entire time and date (relative to the current time and date) are also available.
In English, the word 'now' is one of these.
The following words may be used:
acum 0:0:0:0:0:0:0
- Hour/Minute/Second separators
- When specifying the time of day, the most common separator is a colon (:)
which can be used for both separators.
Some languages use different pairs. For example, French allows you to specify the time as 13h30:20, so it would use the following pairs:
: : h :
The first column is the hour-minute separator and the second column is the minute-second separator. Both are perl regular expressions. When creating a new translation, be aware that regular expressions with utf-8 characters may be tricky. For example, don't include the expression '[x]' where 'x' is a utf-8 character.
A pair of colons is ALWAYS allowed for all languages. If a language allows additional pairs, they are listed here:
Not defined in this language
- Fractional second separator
- When specifying fractional seconds, the most common way is to use a
decimal point (.). Some languages may specify a different separator that
might be used. If this is done, it is a regular expression.
The decimal point is ALWAYS allowed for all languages. If a language allows another separator, it is listed here:
Not defined in this language
None known.
Please refer to the Date::Manip::Problems documentation for information on submitting bug reports or questions to the author.
Date::Manip - main module documentation
This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Sullivan Beck (
2024-12-12 | perl v5.40.0 |