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"int fips_sli_is_approved_*_CTX" - get status of the FIPS Service Level Indicator (SLI) for context operations

"int fips_sli_*_is_approved" - get status of the FIPS SLI for standalone operations


 #include <openssl/fips_sli.h>
 int fips_sli_is_approved_EVP_CIPHER_CTX(const EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx);
 int fips_sli_is_approved_EVP_KDF_CTX(const EVP_KDF_CTX *ctx);
 int fips_sli_is_approved_EVP_MD_CTX(const EVP_MD_CTX *ctx);
 int fips_sli_is_approved_EVP_PKEY_CTX(const EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx);
 int fips_sli_is_approved_CMAC_CTX(const CMAC_CTX *ctx);
 int fips_sli_is_approved_HMAC_CTX(const HMAC_CTX *ctx);
 int fips_sli_SHA1_is_approved(const unsigned char *d, size_t n, unsigned char *md);
 int fips_sli_HMAC_is_approved(const EVP_MD *evp_md, const void *key, int key_len,
                     const unsigned char *d, size_t n, unsigned char *md,
                     unsigned int *md_len);
 int fips_sli_PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC_is_approved(const char *pass, int passlen,
                       const unsigned char *salt, int saltlen, int iter,
                       const EVP_MD *digest, int keylen, unsigned char *out);
 int fips_sli_RAND_bytes_is_approved(unsigned char *buf, int num);
 int fips_sli_RAND_priv_bytes_is_approved(unsigned char *buf, int num);


The service level indicator has two different usage scenarios.

"int fips_sli_is_approved_*_CTX(...)"
Most operations happen on some form of a context, which also holds the SLI. This function returns whether the FIPS SLI indicates an approved operation or not.

After a disapproved operation is encountered, the SLI will continue to indicate this disapproved state. The SLI can only be reset by the various existing resetting functions such as "EVP_MD_CTX_reset(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx)" or reinitializing the context, e.g. via EVP_DigestInit(3).

"int fips_sli_*_is_approved(...)"
Operations without a context (standalone functions) have a separate SLI with the name fips_sli_FNNAME_is_approved(). These indicator functions take the same parameters as their corresponding operation and may modify them just like their corresponding function might do.

In order to check the SLI status of an operation FNNAME(), the function fips_sli_FNNAME_is_approved() must be called with the same set of parameters as FNNAME(). Note that applications must check the return value of FNNAME() according to its documentation as well as the return value of the SLI (see below for "RETURN VALUES"). Both are orthogonal: the former reports about success and failure of FNNAME(), and the latter whether a disapproved operation happened or not. Well-behaving applications check for both.

The following explicit indicators exist:

"int fips_sli_SHA1_is_approved(const unsigned char *d, size_t n, unsigned char *md);"

"int fips_sli_HMAC_is_approved(const EVP_MD *evp_md, const void *key, int key_len, const unsigned char *d, size_t n, unsigned char *md, unsigned int *md_len);"

"int fips_sli_PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC_is_approved(const char *pass, int passlen, const unsigned char *salt, int saltlen, int iter, const EVP_MD *digest, int keylen, unsigned char *out);"

"int fips_sli_RAND_bytes_is_approved(unsigned char *buf, int num);"

"int fips_sli_RAND_priv_bytes_is_approved(unsigned char *buf, int num);"

Notes on the RNG

OpenSSL 1.1.1l implements a CTR DRBG with AES 128/192/256 (defaults to AES-256). See RAND_bytes(3)/RAND_priv_bytes().

Swapping out OPENSSL's RNG implementation (e.g. via RAND_set_rand_method(3)) is NOT allowed.


"fips_sli_is_approved_*_CTX()" returns 0 if the previous operation(s) was unapproved or ctx was NULL, and returns 1 if the previous operation(s) were approved (or rather, no non-approved operations happened).

"fips_sli_*_is_approved()" returns 0 if an operation with a given set of parameters was unapproved, and returns 1 if the operation is approved with the given set of parameters.

These functions can be invoked at any time.


The FIPS SLI was added in OpenSSL 1.1.1.l.


Copyright 2022

Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at <>.

2024-05-06 1.1.1w