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ldapcat(1) ldapcat - ldap replacement for ypcat ldapcat(1)


ldapcat - print values of all keys in a NIS database stored in LDAP using RFC2307


ldapcat [ -ktwX ] [ -d basedn ] [ -h hostname ] mapname

ldapcat -x


ldapcat prints the values of all keys from the NIS database stored in LDAP using RFC2307 specified by mapname, which may be a map name or a map nickname.


Specify an alternate base dn other than the default specified in the OpenLDAP configuration.
Specify a hostname other than the default one found in the OpenLDAP configuration.
Display map keys. This option is useful with maps in which the values are null or the key is not part of the value.
Inhibit translation of map nicknames.
Display the following warning message before printing results.

 # WARNING!  This file is now automatically generated with ldapcat.
 # Please consult the crontabs before modifying this file.
Display the map nickname translation table.
Translate ldap: to yp: when printing automount map values.


/etc/nsswitch.conf /etc/ldap.conf /etc/ldap/ldap.conf /etc/openldap/ldap.conf /etc/pam_ldap.conf /etc/sssd/sssd.conf /etc/autofs.conf /etc/sysconfig/autofs /etc/default/autofs ~/.ldaprc ./.ldaprc


ldap, ldap.conf, ldapsearch, ldif, Net::LDAP, Net::LDAP::LDIF, ldapmatch, RFC 2254, RFC 2307


Larry Lile <>


OpenLDAP is developed and maintained by The OpenLDAP Project ( OpenLDAP is derived from University of Michigan LDAP 3.3 Release.

Thanks to the authors, developers and maintainers of Net::LDAP, Authen::SASL, Getopt::Long, Digest::MD5, Fcntl, POSIX and URI

Thanks to Luke Howard <lukeh@PADL.COM> for nss_ldap and RFC 2307.

$Revision: 172 $

2020-09-11 perl v5.16.3