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/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/lapack-3.12.0/INSTALL/test_zcomplexdiv.f(3) Library Functions Manual /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/lapack-3.12.0/INSTALL/test_zcomplexdiv.f(3)





program zdiv
zdiv tests the robustness and precision of the double complex division

Function/Subroutine Documentation

program zdiv

zdiv tests the robustness and precision of the double complex division


Weslley S. Pereira, University of Colorado Denver, U.S.

!> Real values for test:
!> (1) x = 2**m, where m = MINEXPONENT-DIGITS, ..., MINEXPONENT-1.
!>     Mind that not all platforms might implement subnormal numbers.
!> (2) x = 2**m, where m = MINEXPONENT, ..., 0.
!> (3) x = OV, where OV is the overflow threshold. OV^2 overflows but the norm is OV.
!> (4) x = 2**m, where m = MAXEXPONENT-1, ..., 1.
!> Tests:
!> (a) y = x + 0 * I, y/y = 1
!> (b) y = 0 + x * I, y/y = 1
!> (c) y = x + x * I, y/y = 1
!> (d) y1 = 0 + x * I, y2 = x + 0 * I, y1/y2 = I
!> (e) y1 = 0 + x * I, y2 = x + 0 * I, y2/y1 = -I
!> (f) y = x + x * I, y/conj(y) = I
!> Special cases:
!> (i) Inf inputs:
!>    (1) y = ( Inf + 0   * I)
!>    (2) y = ( 0   + Inf * I)
!>    (3) y = (-Inf + 0   * I)
!>    (4) y = ( 0   - Inf * I)
!>    (5) y = ( Inf + Inf * I)
!> Tests:
!>    (a) 0 / y is either 0 or NaN.
!>    (b) 1 / y is either 0 or NaN.
!>    (c) y / y is NaN.
!> (n) NaN inputs:
!>    (1) y = (NaN + 0   * I)
!>    (2) y = (0   + NaN * I)
!>    (3) y = (NaN + NaN * I)
!> Tests:
!>    (a) 0 / y is NaN.
!>    (b) 1 / y is NaN.
!>    (c) y / y is NaN.

Definition at line 57 of file test_zcomplexdiv.f.


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