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event(8gx) Gromox admin reference event(8gx)


event — Folder change notification daemon


event [-c config]


The event daemon is a software bus, inter-process communication (IPC) mechanism that allows communication between multiple processes running concurrently on multiple machines.

In practice, it is used by midb(8gx), pop3(8gx) and imap(8gx) to notify imap(8gx) instances of changed folder/message states.


Read configuration directives from the given file. If this option is not specified, /etc/gromox/event.cfg will be read if it exists.
Output version information and exit.
Display option summary.

All time-based command-line options and configuration file directives are subject to the syntax described in gromox(7), section "Duration specifications".

Configuration directives

The usual config file location is /etc/gromox/event.cfg.

Colon-separated list of directories which will be scanned when locating further configuration files.
Default: /etc/gromox/event:/etc/gromox
A space-separated list of individual host addresses that are allowed to converse with the event service. The addresses must conform to gromox(7) "Host addresses". No networks and no CIDR notations are permitted. This option deprecates the /etc/gromox/event_acl.txt file used before Gromox 2.8.
Default: ::1
The IPv6 socket address for exposing the event service on. The address must conform to gromox(7) "Host addresses".
Default: ::1
The TCP port number for exposing the event service on.
Default: 33333
Target for log messages here. Special values: "-" (stderr/syslog depending on parent PID) or "syslog" are recognized.
Default: - (auto)
Maximum verbosity of logging. 1=crit, 2=error, 3=warn, 4=notice, 5=info, 6=debug.
Default: 4 (notice)
The minimum number of client processing threads to keep around.
Default: 50
An unprivileged user account to switch the process to after startup. To inhibit the switch, assign the empty value.
Default: gromox

Event protocol

The event service is exposed as a line-based text protocol. Upon connection, the event server gratitiously writes "OK" and will wait for commands. Each connection to the event daemon starts out in Enqueue Mode, and this is the only mode from which commands can be issued.

"FALSE" may be emitted by the server if there is a syntax error.


The command "ID <res_id>" declares the particular connection to be a notification sender. res_id is generally the hostname and the PID. The server always responds with "TRUE". (The connection stays in Enqueue Mode.)


The command "LISTEN <res_id>" declares the particular connection to be a notification receiver. res_id follows the same pattern. The server responds with "TRUE" and the connection state changes to the Dequeue Mode (see below).


The command "SELECT <username> <folder>" subscribes those connections that have registered as a listener for res_id to notifications. (This means that a process wishing to use event_stub(4gx) to listen for notifications strictly requires loading event_proxy(4gx) too, and, in essence, use two connections to event(8gx).) The server responds with "FALSE" if no listener exists, or "TRUE" on success.


The command "UNSELECT <username> <folder>" unsubscribes those connections that had registered as a listener for res_id. The server always responds with "TRUE".


Terminate the connection.


Reset inactivity timer on connection.

Partially parsed commands

Any other input is treated as a notification item and is not interpreted by event(8gx) beyond checking the number of fields:


The notification "FOLDER-TOUCH <username> <folder>" informs listeners that the folder metadata has changed and warrants being reloaded. This is also how the arrival of new messages is conveyed.


The notification "MESSAGE-FLAG <username> <folder> <messageid>" informs listeners that the message metadata has changed and warrants being reloaded. (This operation is no longer recognized since Gromox 2.17-26-g10564f3e7.)


The notification "MESSAGE-UFLAG <username> <folder> <imapuid>" informs listeners that the message metadata has changed and warrants being reloaded.


The notification "MESSAGE-EXPUNGE <username> <folder> <messageid>" informs listeners that the message was deleted.

Client behavior

Clients in Dequeue Mode will receive notifications. Each notification line received by the client needs to be acknowledged with a "TRUE" response. It is not possible to exit Dequeue Mode; connection termination is the only way out.

Events do not echo for a particular res_id. The event_proxy(4gx) and event_stub(4gx) plugin implementations use the getpid() function when constructing the res_id for the ID/LISTEN commands. A process like imap(8gx) which uses both plugins will intentionally not see its own notifications over the gromox-event IPC system this way.

See also

gromox(7), event_proxy(4gx), event_stub(4gx)
