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ethuploadall(8) EFSFFCLIRG (Man Page) ethuploadall(8)



Copies one or more files from a group of hosts to this system. Since the file name is the same on each host, a separate directory on this system is created for each host and the file is copied to it. This is a convenient way to upload log files or configuration files for review. This tool can also be used in conjunction with ethdownloadall to upload a host-specific configuration file, edit it for each host, and download the new version to all the hosts.


  • To copy files from this host to hosts in the cluster, use ethscpall or ethdownloadall.
  • user@ syntax cannot be used in filenames specified.
  • A local directory within upload_dir/ is created for each hostname.
  • Each uploaded file is copied to upload_dir/hostname/dest_file within the local system.
  • If more than one source file is specified or dest_file has a trailing / , a dest_file directory will be created.


ethuploadall [-rp] [-f hostfile] [-d upload_dir] [-h 'hosts'] [-u user] source_file ... dest_file


Produces full help text.

Performs copy in parallel on all hosts.

Performs recursive upload of directories.

Specifies the file with hosts in cluster.
Default is /etc/eth-tools/hosts file.

Specifies the list of hosts to upload from.

Specifies the user to perform copy to. Default is current user.

Specifies the directory to upload to. Default is uploads. If not specified, the environment variable UPLOADS_DIR is used. If that is not exported, the default, uploads, is used.

Specifies the name of files to copy to this system, relative to the current directory. Multiple files may be listed.

Specifies the name of the file or directory on this system to copy to. It is relative to upload_dir/hostname.


# upload two files from 2 hosts

ethuploadall -h 'arwen elrond' capture.tgz /etc/init.d/ipoib.cfg.

# upload two files from all hosts

ethuploadall -p capture.tgz /etc/init.d/ipoib.cfg.

# upload network config files from all hosts

ethuploadall capture.tgz /etc/init.d/ipoib.cfg pre-install

Environment Variables

The following environment variables are also used by this command:

List of hosts; used if -h option not supplied.

File containing list of hosts; used in absence of -f and -h.

Directory to upload to, used in absence of -d.

When the -p option is used, maximum concurrent operations are performed.

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