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ethreport(8) EFSFFCLIRG (Man Page) ethreport(8)



Provides powerful fabric analysis and reporting capabilities. Must be run on a host connected to the Intel(R) Ethernet Fabric with the Intel(R) Ethernet Fabric Suite FastFabric Toolset installed.


ethreport [-v][-q] [--timeout] [-o report]
[-d detail] [-P|-H]
[-N] [-x] [-X snapshot_input] [-T topology_input]
[-A] [-c file] [-L] [-F point] [-Q] [-E file] [-p plane] [-f hostfile]


Produces full help text.

Returns verbose output.

Disables progress reports.

Specifies the timeout (wait time for response) in ms. Default is 1000 ms.

Specifies the report type for output. Refer to Report Types for details.

Specifies the level of detail 0-n for output. Default is 2.

Only include data persistent across reboots.

Only include permanent hardware data.

Omits node.

Produces output in XML.

Generates a report using the data in the snapshot_input file. snapshot_input must have been generated during a previous -o snapshot run. '-' may be used as the snapshot_input to specify stdin.

Uses topology_input file to augment and verify fabric information. When used, various reports can be augmented with information not available electronically. '-' may be used to specify stdin.

Get performance stats for all ports.

Includes PortInfo for down switch ports.

Specifies the error thresholds configuration file. Default is /etc/eth-tools/ethmon.conf file.

Specifies the Ethernet Mgt config file. Default is /etc/eth-tools/mgt_config.xml file.

Specifies the name of the enabled plane defined in Mgt config file. Default is the first enabled plane.

Specifies the file with hosts in cluster. It overrides the HostsFile for the selected plane that is defined in Mgt config file.

Limits operation to exact specified focus with -F for port error counters check (-o errors). Normally, the neighbor of each selected port is also checked. Does not affect other reports.

Specifies the focus area for report.

Limits output to reflect a subsection of the fabric. May not work with all reports. (For example, the verify* reports may ignore the option or not generate useful results.)

Excludes focus description from report.

Report Types

Summary of all systems in fabric.

Brief summary of all systems in fabric.

Summary of all node types in fabric.

Brief summary of all node types in fabric.

Summary of all ifids in the fabric.

Summary of all links with ifids in the fabric.

Summary of all links.

Summary of links external to systems.

Summary of links to NICs.

Summary of inter-switch links.

Summary of inter-switch links external to systems.

Summary of links running slower than expected.

Summary of links configured to run slower than supported, includes slowlinks.

Summary of links connected with mismatched speed potential, includes slowconfiglinks.

Summary of links configured to run slower than supported.

Summary of links connected with mismatched speed potential.

Summary of links whose errors exceed counts in the configuration file.

Summary of ports not connected to this fabric.

Compares fabric (or snapshot) NICs to supplied topology and identifies differences and omissions.

Compares fabric (or snapshot) switches to supplied topology and identifies differences and omissions.

Returns verifynics and verifysws reports.

Compares fabric (or snapshot) links to supplied topology and identifies differences and omissions.

Compares fabric (or snapshot) links to supplied topology and identifies differences and omissions. Limits analysis to links external to systems.

Compares fabric (or snapshot) links to supplied topology and identify differences and omissions. Limits analysis to links to NICs.

Compares fabric (or snapshot) links to supplied topology and identify differences and omissions. Limits analysis to inter-switch links.

Compares fabric (or snapshot) links to supplied topology and identify differences and omissions. Limits analysis to inter-switch links external to systems.

Returns verifynics, verifysws, and verifylinks reports.

Returns comps, nodes, links, extlinks, slowconnlinks, and errors reports.

Outputs snapshot of the fabric state for later use as snapshot_input. This implies -x. May not be combined with other reports. When selected, -F and -N options are ignored.

Outputs the topology of the fabric for later use as topology_input. This implies -x. May not be combined with other reports. Use with detail level 3 or more to get Port element under Node in output xml.

Outputs fabric information.

Outputs no report.

Point Syntax

value is numeric ifid.

value is numeric ifid, selects node with given ifid.

value is numeric ifid of node, value2 is port number.

value is numeric ifid of node, value2 is port id.

value is numeric port mgmtifaddr.

value is numeric node ifaddr.

value1 is numeric node ifaddr, value2 is port number.

value1 is numeric node ifaddr, value2 is port id.

value is numeric chassisid.

value1 is numeric chassisid, value2 is port number.

value1 is numeric chassisid, value2 is port id.

value is node description (node name).

value1 is node description (node name), value2 is port number.

value1 is node description (node name), value2 is port id.

value is glob pattern for node description (node name).

value1 is the glob pattern for the node description (node name), value2 is port number.

value1 is the glob pattern for the node description (node name), value2 is port id.

value is glob pattern for node details.

value1 is the glob pattern for the node details, value2 is port number.

value1 is the glob pattern for the node details, value2 is port id.

value is node type (SW or NIC).

value1 is node type (SW or NIC), value2 is port number.

value1 is node type (SW or NIC), value2 is port id.

value is string for rate (25g, 50g, 75g, 100g), omits switch mgmt port 0.

value is a string for state (up, down, testing, unknown, dormant, notactive).

value is a string for PHYs state (other, unknown, operational, standby, shutdown, reset).

value is MTU size (maximum size 65535), omits switch mgmt port 0.

value is glob pattern for link details.

value is glob pattern for port details.

Specifies the name of file with the list of nodepats or node descriptions.

Specifies the name of file with the list of node pairs, separated by a colon.

Specifies the ports with a non-zero link down reason or neighbor link down reason.

Specifies the ports with a link down reason or neighbor link down reason equal to value.


ethreport can generate hundreds of different reports. Commonly-generated reports include the following: ethreport -o comps -d 3

ethreport -o errors -o slowlinks

ethreport -o nodes -F mgmtifaddr:0x00066a00a000447b

ethreport -o nodes -F ifaddr:0x001175019800447b:port:1

ethreport -o nodes -F ifaddr:0x001175019800447b

ethreport -o nodes -F 'node:duster-eth2'

ethreport -o nodes -F 'node:duster-eth2:port:1'

ethreport -o nodes -F 'nodepat:d*'

ethreport -o nodes -F 'nodepat:d*:port:1'

ethreport -o nodes -F 'nodedetpat:compute*'

ethreport -o nodes -F 'nodedetpat:compute*:port:1'

ethreport -o nodes -F nodetype:NIC

ethreport -o nodes -F nodetype:NIC:port:1

ethreport -o nodes -F ifid:1

ethreport -o nodes -F ifid:1:node

ethreport -o nodes -F ifid:1:port:2

ethreport -o nodes -F chassisid:0x001175019800447b

ethreport -o nodes -F chassisid:0x001175019800447b:port:1

ethreport -o extlinks -F rate:100g

ethreport -o extlinks -F portstate:up

ethreport -o extlinks -F portphysstate:operational

ethreport -o extlinks -F 'portdetpat:*mgmt*'

ethreport -o links -F mtucap:2048

ethreport -o snapshot > file

ethreport -o topology > topology.xml

ethreport -o errors -X file

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