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MAN(1) Ansible CMDB MAN(1)


ansible-cmdb - generate host overview from ansible facts


ansible-cmdb [options] fact_dir [fact_dir]


ansible-cmdb parses facts about machines gathered by Ansible and generates host overviews or other information based on those facts. It includes the ability to parse variables, groups and other information from Ansible's hosts inventory and dynamic inventories.

Output is rendered using templates. At the moment there are various templates available. You can create your own templates to completely customize ansible-cmdb's output.


Ansible-cmdb supports the following options:

General options

Show help information.

Show version.

Show debug information.

Input options

Use Ansible fact-cache dir for facts

Scan inventory at PATH for groups, variables, etc.

Output options

Template to use. Default is 'html_fancy'.

Params to send to the template.

Show only given columns

Add user-defined columns.

Limit the included hosts to pattern LIMIT

Exclude cols from output


First, generate Ansible output for your hosts:

mkdir out \
ansible -m setup --tree out/ all

To generate a host overview with the default template (html_fancy):

ansible-cmdb out/ > overview.html

To make ansible-cmdb scan your hosts file, which will include group information and variables in the host overview:

ansible-cmdb -i /path/to/hosts out/ > overview.html

To select a different template, use the -t switch. The default template is html_fancy. If you want to use the txt_table template:

ansible-cmdb -t txt_table out/ > overview.html

If you want to refer to a template at some other location on your disk, you need to leave the .tpl extension of:

ansible-cmdb -t /home/test/some_template out/ > overview.html

To send parameters to a template, use the -p swtich. For example: to use local Javascript resources with the html_fancy template (so you can it offline):

ansible-cmdb -p local_js=1 -i /path/to/hosts out/ > overview.html

The ---columns (-c ) switch lets you specify which columns should appear in the overview. This must be supported by the template.

ansible-cmdb --columns name,os,ip,mem,cpus out/ > overview.html

You can specify multiple fact directories. You could, for example, include hosts that aren't scanned by ansible by manually creating JSON files, or add additional facts or variables to systems that are also present in the normal facts dir.

ansible-cmdb out/ manual_facts/ > overview.html


Ansible-cmdb can read your inventory file (hosts, by default), inventory directory or dynamic inventory and extract useful information from it such as:

All the groups a host belongs to.

These are optional key/value pairs for each host which can be used in playbooks. They are scanned by ansible-cmdb and get added to a hosts discovered facts under the 'hostvars' section.

Reading the inventory is done using the -i switch to ansible-cmdb. It takes a single parameter: your hosts file, directory containing your hosts files or path to your dynamic inventory script.

See for more information on host variables.


Ansible-cmdb supports multiple different templates. You can choose which template to use with the -t switch


A fancy HTML page that uses jQuery and DataTables to give you a searchable, sortable table overview of all hosts with detailed information just a click away.

It takes a parameter local_js=1 which will load resources from the local disk instead of over the network. See the EXAMPLES section for an example. It also supports the --cols parameter to specify which columns you'd like to see in the output.

It can be easily extended by copying it and modifying the cols definition at the top.


A quick text table summary of the available hosts with some minimal information.

It supports the --cols parameter to specify which columns you'd like in the output.


The json template simple dumps a JSON-encoded representation of the gathered information. This includes all the extra information scanned by ansible-cmdb such as groups, variables, custom information, etc.


Ansible can cache facts from hosts when running playbooks. This is configured in Ansible like:

fact_caching_connection = /path/to/facts/dir

You can use these cached facts as facts directories with ansible-cmdb by specifying the -f (--fact-cache) option:

$ ansible-cmdb -f /path/to/facts/dir > overview.html

Please note that the --fact-cache option will apply to all fact directories you specify. This means you can't mix fact-cache fact directories and normal setup fact directories. Also, if you wish to manually extend facts (see the Extending chapter), you must omit the ansible_facts key and put items in the root of the JSON.


Some templates, such as txt_table and html_fancy, support columns. If a template supports columns, you can use the --columns / -c command line option to specify which columns to show.

The --columns takes a comma-separated list of columns (no spaces!) which should be shown. The columns must be specified by their id field. For information on what id fields are supported by a template, take a look in the template. Usually it's the column title, but in lowercase and with spaces replaced by underscores.

You can add custom columns with the -C (--cust-cols) option. Please see the online user manual for more information.


You can specify multiple directories that need to be scanned for output. This lets you add more custom information to existing hosts or even completely new hosts.

For example, you could create a directory called out_cust and put manually crafted JSON files in it:

$ mkdir out_cust
$ cat out_cust/

"software": [
] }

Specify both directories when generating the output:

$ ansible-cmdb out/ out_cust/ > overview.html

our custom variables will be put in the root of the host information dictionary:

"": {

"ansible_facts": {
"ansible_all_ipv4_addresses": [""],
"changed": false,
"groups": ["cust.flusso"],
"software": [
"name": "" }

If you're using the --fact-cache option, you must omit the ansible_facts key and put items in the root of the JSON. This also means that you can only extend native ansible facts and not information read from the hosts file by ansible-cmdb.

SEE ALSO, the main source of documentation


ansible-cmdb is copyright 2015 by Ferry Boender

Ferry Boneder

2015-11-11 %%VERSION%%