table of contents
elements(3) | Library Functions Manual | elements(3) |
elements - Element Classes
class SoGLClipPlaneElement
The SoGLClipPlaneElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoGLColorIndexElement class sets the current OpenGL color. class
The SoGLCoordinateElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoGLDepthBufferElement controls the OpenGL depth buffer. class
The SoGLDisplayList class stores and manages OpenGL display lists.
class SoGLDrawStyleElement
The SoGLDrawStyleElement updates the current draw style in OpenGL.
class SoGLEnvironmentElement
The SoGLEnvironmentElement class is for setting GL fog etc. class
The SoGLLazyElement class is meant to optimize GL rendering. class
The SoGLLightIdElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoGLLinePatternElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoGLLineWidthElement class changes the linewidth setting of the
OpenGL render state. class SoGLModelMatrixElement
The SoGLModelMatrixElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoGLMultiTextureCoordinateElement class stores the current
gltexture coordinates for several units. class
The SoGLTextureEnabledElement class is an element which controls
whether texturing is enabled or not. class
The SoGLMultiTextureImageElement is used to control the current GL
texture for texture units. class SoGLMultiTextureMatrixElement
The SoGLMultiTextureMatrixElement class is used to update the OpenGL
texture matrix. class SoGLNormalElement
The SoGLNormalElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoGLPointSizeElement class changes the pointsize setting of the
OpenGL render state. class SoGLPolygonOffsetElement
The SoGLPolygonOffsetElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoGLProjectionMatrixElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoGLRenderPassElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoGLShapeHintsElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoGLTexture3EnabledElement class is an element which controls
whether 3D texturing is enabled or not. class
The SoGLTextureCoordinateElement class stores the current gltexture
coordinates. class SoGLTextureImageElement
The SoGLTextureImageElement is used to control the current GL texture.
class SoGLTextureMatrixElement
The SoGLTextureMatrixElement class is used to update the OpenGL texture
matrix. class SoGLUpdateAreaElement
The SoGLUpdateAreaElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoGLVBOElement class is used to store VBO state. class
The SoGLViewingMatrixElement class is used to store the current viewing
matrix. class SoGLViewportRegionElement
The SoGLViewportRegionElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoAccumulatedElement class is an abstract class for storing
accumulated state. class SoAmbientColorElement
The SoAmbientColorElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoAnnoText3CharOrientElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoAnnoText3FontSizeHintElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoAnnoText3RenderPrintElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoBBoxModelMatrixElement class keeps track of the current model
matrix during a scene graph traversal. It is used by amongst others the
SoGetBoundingBoxAction class. class SoBumpMapCoordinateElement
The SoBumpMapCoordinateElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoTextureImageElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoBumpMapMatrixElement class is used to manage the bump map matrix
stack. class SoCacheElement
The SoCacheElement class stores and manages the open caches. class
The SoClipPlaneElement class is used to manage the clip plane stack.
class SoComplexityElement
The SoComplexityElement class contains the current shape complexity for
a graph traverser. class SoComplexityTypeElement
The SoComplexityTypeElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoCoordinateElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoCreaseAngleElement class stores the crease angle during a scene
graph traversal. class SoCullElement
The SoCullElement class is used internally for render and pick culling.
class SoDecimationPercentageElement
The SoDecimationPercentageElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoDecimationTypeElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoDepthBufferElement controls the depth buffer settings. class
The SoDiffuseColorElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoDrawStyleElement class is yet to be documented. class
SoElement is the abstract base class for all elements. class
The SoEmissiveColorElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoEnvironmentElement class is yet to be documented. class
SoFloatElement is an abstract base class for elements that consists of
a single float value. class SoFocalDistanceElement
The SoFocalDistanceElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoFontNameElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoFontSizeElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoInt32Element class is the base class for elements that simply
store a 32-bit integer. class SoLazyElement
The SoLazyElement class is used to handle material and shape
properties. class SoLightAttenuationElement
The SoLightAttenuationElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoLightElement class manages the currently active light sources.
class SoLightModelElement
The SoLightModelElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoLinePatternElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoLineWidthElement class changes the linewidth setting of the
render state. class SoListenerDopplerElement
The SoListenerDopplerElement holds the doppler velocity and factor of
the current listener. class SoListenerGainElement
The SoListenerGainElement class stores the SoListener gain
during a scene graph traversal. class SoListenerOrientationElement
The SoListenerOrientationElement holds the orientation of the current
listener. class SoListenerPositionElement
The SoListenerPositionElement holds the position of the current
listener. class SoLocalBBoxMatrixElement
The SoLocalBBoxMatrixElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoMaterialBindingElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoModelMatrixElement class is used to manage the current
transformation. class SoTextureCoordinateElement
The SoTextureCoordinateElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoMultiTextureEnabledElement class is an element which stores
whether texturing is enabled or not. class SoMultiTextureImageElement
The SoMultiTextureImageElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoMultiTextureMatrixElement class is used to manage the texture
matrix stack for texture units > 0. class SoNormalBindingElement
The SoNormalBindingElement is yet to be documented. class
The SoNormalElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoOverrideElement maintains a list of overridable elements and a
list over which elements should be overridden. class SoPickRayElement
The SoPickRayElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoPickStyleElement is yet to be documented. class
The SoPointSizeElement changes the pointsize setting of the render
state. class SoPolygonOffsetElement
The SoPolygonOffsetElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoProfileCoordinateElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoProfileElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoReplacedElement class is an abstract element superclass. class
The SoShapeStyleElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoShininessElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoSoundElement is used for optimizing audio rendering and for
turning off inactive SoVRMLSound nodes. class
The SoSpecularColorElement is yet to be documented. class
The SoSwitchElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoTextOutlineEnabledElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoTextureCombineElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoTextureCoordinateBindingElement class is yet to be documented.
class SoTextureEnabledElement
The SoTextureEnabledElement class is an element which stores whether
texturing is enabled or not. class SoTextureMatrixElement
The SoTextureMatrixElement class is used to manage the texture matrix
stack. class SoTextureOverrideElement
The SoTextureOverrideElement makes it possible to override texture
elements. class SoTextureQualityElement
The SoTextureQualityElement is yet to be documented. class
The SoTextureUnitElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoTransparencyElement is yet to be documented. class
The SoUnitsElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoVertexAttributeBindingElement class is yet to be documented.
class SoViewVolumeElement
The SoViewVolumeElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoViewingMatrixElement class stores the world-to-camera
transformation. class SoViewportRegionElement
The SoViewportRegionElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoWindowElement class is used to store current window attributes.
class SoGeoElement
The SoGeoElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoGLShadowCullingElement class is yet to be documented. class
The SoShadowStyleElement class is yet to be documented.
Detailed Description¶
The element classes in Coin are the containers of state information during action traversals of scene graphs. One element usually corresponts to one item of information, or sometimes a group of related information values. The elements work like a stack that is pushed and popped as the action traverses in and out of SoSeparator nodes, and the action will always just inspect the top of the stack when it needs to know a value.
Elements are internal implementation details of the workings of nodes and actions, and is not something one needs to worry about before writing ones own extension nodes. Writing extension elements is even more removed from plain Open Inventor usage, but is fully possible for the experienced Open Inventor developer. The Element Classes
Elements are mostly internal to Coin, unless you create new extension nodes over Coin. Then you will probably need to know about them.
Elements are part of the design for scenegraph traversal in Coin.
It works like this: any traversal action instantiates and keeps a single SoState instance during traversal. The SoState instance uses SoElement objects as "memory units" to keep track of the current state for any feature of the scenegraph nodes.
As an example, consider the SoPointSize node: when the SoPointSize node is traversed by for instance a SoGLRenderAction, it will itself push a SoPointSizeElement onto the SoGLRenderAction's SoState stack. Later, when a SoPointSet node occurs in the scenegraph, it will request the current pointsize value from the SoState by reading off the value of it's SoPointSizeElement.
SoSeparator nodes will push and pop elements on and off the state stack, so anything that changes state below a SoSeparator node will not influence anything above the SoSeparator.
For more information on the theoretical underpinnings of this traversal design, you should consider reading available literature on the so-called "Visitor pattern". We recommend "Design Patterns", by Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides (aka the "Gang Of Four"). This book actually uses the Inventor API traversal mechanism as the case study for explaining the Visitor pattern.
For extending the Coin library with your own classes, we strongly
recommend that you make yourself acquainted with the excellent «The
Inventor Toolmaker» book (ISBN 0-201-62493-1), which describes the
tasks involved in detail. This book was written by the original SGI Inventor
designers and explains many of the underlying design ideas, aswell as having
lots of hands-on examples on how to extend the Coin toolkit in ways that are
true to the fundamental design ideas. («The Inventor
Toolmaker» is also available at SGI's online library, at no cost. See
Download The Inventor Toolmaker.) Reading the sourcecode of the built-in
classes in Coin should also provide very helpful.
The following is a complete example on how to extend Coin with your own
traversal elements. First, the class declaration of the new element (ie the
header include file):
// [texturefilenameelement.h] #ifndef TEXTUREFILENAMEELEMENT_H #define TEXTUREFILENAMEELEMENT_H #include <Inventor/elements/SoReplacedElement.h> #include <Inventor/SbString.h> class TextureFilenameElement : public SoReplacedElement {
typedef SoReplacedElement inherited;
SO_ELEMENT_HEADER(TextureFilenameElement); public:
static void initClass(void);
virtual void init(SoState * state);
static void set(SoState * const state, SoNode * const node,
const SbString & filename);
static const SbString & get(SoState * const state);
static const TextureFilenameElement * getInstance(SoState * state); protected:
virtual ~TextureFilenameElement();
virtual void setElt(const SbString & filename); private:
SbString filename; }; #endif // !TEXTUREFILENAMEELEMENT_H
The implementation of the element:
// [texturefilenameelement.cpp] // // The purpose of the code in this file is to demonstrate how you can // make your own elements for scene graph traversals. // // Code by Peder Blekken <>, 1999-12-09. Copyright // Kongsberg Oil & Gas Technologies. #include "texturefilenameelement.h" SO_ELEMENT_SOURCE(TextureFilenameElement); void TextureFilenameElement::initClass(void) {
SO_ELEMENT_INIT_CLASS(TextureFilenameElement, inherited); } void TextureFilenameElement::init(SoState * state) {
this->filename = "<none>"; } TextureFilenameElement::~TextureFilenameElement() { } void TextureFilenameElement::set(SoState * const state, SoNode * const node,
const SbString & filename) {
TextureFilenameElement * elem = (TextureFilenameElement *)
SoReplacedElement::getElement(state, classStackIndex, node);
elem->setElt(filename); } const SbString & TextureFilenameElement::get(SoState * const state) {
return TextureFilenameElement::getInstance(state)->filename; } void TextureFilenameElement::setElt(const SbString & filename) {
this->filename = filename; } const TextureFilenameElement * TextureFilenameElement::getInstance(SoState * state) {
return (const TextureFilenameElement *)
SoElement::getConstElement(state, classStackIndex); }
And a small, stand-alone test application putting the new element to use:
// [lstextures.cpp] // // The purpose of this file is to make a small wrapper "tool" around // the TextureFilenameElement extension element, just for showing // example code on how to make use of a user-defined custom element. // // The code goes like this: // // We initialize the element, enable it for the SoCallbackAction, read // a scene graph file, set callbacks on SoTexture2 and all shape nodes // and applies the SoCallbackAction. The callbacks will then print out // the texture filename information from the TextureFilenameElement // each time an interesting node is hit. // // // Code by Peder Blekken <>. Cleaned up, integrated in // Coin distribution and commented by Morten Eriksen // <>. 1999-12-09. Copyright Kongsberg Oil & Gas Technologies. #include <Inventor/SoDB.h> #include <Inventor/SoInput.h> #include <Inventor/actions/SoCallbackAction.h> #include <Inventor/nodes/SoSeparator.h> #include <Inventor/nodes/SoTexture2.h> #include <Inventor/nodes/SoShape.h> #include <Inventor/misc/SoState.h> #include <cstdio> #include "texturefilenameelement.h" SoCallbackAction::Response pre_tex2_cb(void * data, SoCallbackAction * action, const SoNode * node) {
const SbString & filename = ((SoTexture2 *)node)->filename.getValue();
TextureFilenameElement::set(action->getState(), (SoNode *)node, filename);
(void)fprintf(stdout, "=> New texture: %s\n",
filename.getLength() == 0 ?
"<inlined>" : filename.getString());
return SoCallbackAction::CONTINUE; } SoCallbackAction::Response pre_shape_cb(void * data, SoCallbackAction * action, const SoNode * node) {
const SbString & filename =
(void)fprintf(stdout, " Texturemap on %s: %s\n",
filename.getLength() == 0 ?
"<inlined>" : filename.getString());
return SoCallbackAction::CONTINUE; } void usage(const char * appname) {
(void)fprintf(stderr, "\n\tUsage: %s <modelfile.iv>\n\n", appname);
"\tLists all texture filenames in the model file,\n"
"\tand on which shape nodes they are used.\n\n"
"\tThe purpose of this example utility is simply to\n"
"\tshow how to create and use an extension element for\n"
"\tscene graph traversal.\n\n"); } int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
if (argc != 2) {
SO_ENABLE(SoCallbackAction, TextureFilenameElement);
SoInput input;
if (!input.openFile(argv[1])) {
(void)fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: couldn't open file ``%s''.\n", argv[1]);
SoSeparator * root = SoDB::readAll(&input);
if (root) {
SoCallbackAction cbaction;
cbaction.addPreCallback(SoTexture2::getClassTypeId(), pre_tex2_cb, NULL);
cbaction.addPreCallback(SoShape::getClassTypeId(), pre_shape_cb, NULL);
return 0;
return 1; }
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