SbDPViewVolume(3) | Library Functions Manual | SbDPViewVolume(3) |
SbDPViewVolume - The SbDPViewVolume class is a double precision viewing volume in 3D space.
#include <Inventor/SbLinear.h>
Public Types¶
enum ProjectionType { ORTHOGRAPHIC = 0,
Public Member Functions¶
SbDPViewVolume (void)
~SbDPViewVolume (void)
void getMatrices (SbDPMatrix &affine, SbDPMatrix
&proj) const
SbDPMatrix getMatrix (void) const
SbDPMatrix getCameraSpaceMatrix (void) const
void projectPointToLine (const SbVec2d &pt, SbDPLine
&line) const
void projectPointToLine (const SbVec2d &pt, SbVec3d
&line0, SbVec3d &line1) const
void projectToScreen (const SbVec3d &src, SbVec3d
&dst) const
SbPlane getPlane (const double distFromEye) const
SbVec3d getSightPoint (const double distFromEye) const
SbVec3d getPlanePoint (const double distFromEye, const
SbVec2d &normPoint) const
SbDPRotation getAlignRotation (SbBool rightAngleOnly=FALSE)
double getWorldToScreenScale (const SbVec3d &worldCenter,
double normRadius) const
SbVec2d projectBox (const SbBox3f &box) const
SbDPViewVolume narrow (double left, double bottom, double right,
double top) const
SbDPViewVolume narrow (const SbBox3f &box) const
void ortho (double left, double right, double bottom, double top,
double nearval, double farval)
void perspective (double fovy, double aspect, double nearval, double
void frustum (double left, double right, double bottom, double top,
double nearval, double farval)
void rotateCamera (const SbDPRotation &q)
void translateCamera (const SbVec3d &v)
SbVec3d zVector (void) const
SbDPViewVolume zNarrow (double nearval, double farval) const
void scale (double factor)
void scaleWidth (double ratio)
void scaleHeight (double ratio)
ProjectionType getProjectionType (void) const
const SbVec3d & getProjectionPoint (void) const
const SbVec3d & getProjectionDirection (void) const
double getNearDist (void) const
double getWidth (void) const
double getHeight (void) const
double getDepth (void) const
void print (FILE *fp) const
void getViewVolumePlanes (SbPlane planes[6]) const
void transform (const SbDPMatrix &matrix)
SbVec3d getViewUp (void) const
void copyValues (SbViewVolume &vv)
Detailed Description¶
The SbDPViewVolume class is a double precision viewing volume in 3D space.
This class contains the necessary information for storing a view volume. It has methods for projection of primitives from or into the 3D volume, doing camera transforms, view volume transforms etc.
Be aware that this class is an extension for Coin, and it is not available in the original SGI Open Inventor v2.1 API.
See also
Member Enumeration Documentation¶
enum SbDPViewVolume::ProjectionType¶
An SbDPViewVolume instance can represent either an orthogonal projection volume or a perspective projection volume.
See also
- Orthographic projection.
- Perspective projection.
Constructor & Destructor Documentation¶
SbDPViewVolume::SbDPViewVolume (void )¶
Constructor. Note that the SbDPViewVolume instance will be uninitialized until you explicitly call ortho() or perspective().
See also
SbDPViewVolume::~SbDPViewVolume (void )¶
Member Function Documentation¶
void SbDPViewVolume::getMatrices (SbDPMatrix & affine, SbDPMatrix & proj) const¶
Returns the view volume's affine matrix and projection matrix.
See also
SbDPMatrix SbDPViewVolume::getMatrix (void ) const¶
Returns the combined affine and projection matrix.
See also
SbDPMatrix SbDPViewVolume::getCameraSpaceMatrix (void ) const¶
Returns a matrix which will translate the view volume camera back to origo, and rotate the camera so it'll point along the negative z axis.
Note that the matrix will not include the rotation necessary to make the camera up vector point along the positive y axis (i.e. camera roll is not accounted for).
See also
void SbDPViewVolume::projectPointToLine (const SbVec2d & pt, SbDPLine & line) const¶
Project the given 2D point from the projection plane into a 3D line.
pt coordinates should be normalized to be within [0, 1].
void SbDPViewVolume::projectPointToLine (const SbVec2d & pt, SbVec3d & line0, SbVec3d & line1) const¶
Project the given 2D point from the projection plane into two points defining a 3D line. The first point, line0, will be the corresponding point for the projection on the near plane, while line1 will be the line endpoint, lying in the far plane.
void SbDPViewVolume::projectToScreen (const SbVec3d & src, SbVec3d & dst) const¶
Project the src point to a normalized set of screen coordinates in the projection plane and place the result in dst.
It is safe to let src and \dst be the same SbVec3d instance.
The z-coordinate of dst is monotonically increasing for points closer to the far plane. Note however that this is not a linear relationship, the dst z-coordinate is calculated as follows:
Orthogonal view: DSTz = (-2 * SRCz - far - near) / (far - near), Perspective view: DSTz = (-SRCz * (far - near) - 2*far*near) / (far - near)
The returned coordinates (dst) are normalized to be in range [0, 1].
SbPlane SbDPViewVolume::getPlane (const double distFromEye) const¶
Returns an SbPlane instance which has a normal vector in the opposite direction of which the camera is pointing. This means the plane will be parallel to the near and far clipping planes.
See also
SbVec3d SbDPViewVolume::getSightPoint (const double distFromEye) const¶
Returns the point on the center line-of-sight from the camera position with the given distance.
See also
SbVec3d SbDPViewVolume::getPlanePoint (const double distFromEye, const SbVec2d & normPoint) const¶
Return the 3D point which projects to normPoint and lies on the plane perpendicular to the camera direction and distFromEye distance away from the camera position.
normPoint should be given in normalized coordinates, where the visible render canvas is covered by the range [0.0, 1.0].
SbDPRotation SbDPViewVolume::getAlignRotation (SbBool rightangleonly = FALSE) const¶
Returns a rotation that aligns an object so that its positive x-axis is to the right and its positive y-axis is up in the view volume.
If rightangleonly is TRUE, it will create a rotation that aligns the x and y-axis with the closest orthogonal axes to right and up.
double SbDPViewVolume::getWorldToScreenScale (const SbVec3d & worldCenter, double normRadius) const¶
Given a sphere with center in worldCenter and an initial radius of 1.0, return the scale factor needed to make this sphere have a normRadius radius when projected onto the near clipping plane.
SbVec2d SbDPViewVolume::projectBox (const SbBox3f & box) const¶
Projects the given box onto the projection plane and returns the normalized screen space it occupies.
SbDPViewVolume SbDPViewVolume::narrow (double left, double bottom, double right, double top) const¶
Returns a narrowed version of the view volume which is within the given [0, 1] normalized coordinates. The coordinates are taken to be corner points of a normalized "view window" on the near clipping plane. I.e.:
SbDPViewVolume view; view.ortho(0, 100, 0, 100, 0.1, 1000); view = view.narrow(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0);
..will give a view volume with corner points <25, 75> and <50, 100>.
See also
SbDPViewVolume SbDPViewVolume::narrow (const SbBox3f & box) const¶
Returns a narrowed version of the view volume which is within the given [0, 1] normalized coordinates. The box x and y coordinates are taken to be corner points of a normalized "view window" on the near clipping plane. The box z coordinates are used to adjust the near and far clipping planes, and should be relative to the current clipping planes. A value of 1.0 is at the current near plane. A value of 0.0 is at the current far plane.
void SbDPViewVolume::ortho (double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double nearval, double farval)¶
Set up the view volume as a rectangular box for orthographic parallel projections. The line of sight will be along the negative z axis, through the center of the plane defined by the point <(right+left)/2, (top+bottom)/2, 0>.
See also
void SbDPViewVolume::perspective (double fovy, double aspect, double nearval, double farval)¶
Set up the view volume for perspective projections. The line of sight will be through origo along the negative z axis.
See also
void SbDPViewVolume::frustum (double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double nearval, double farval)¶
Set up the frustum for perspective projection. This is an alternative to perspective() that lets you specify any kind of view volumes (e.g. off center volumes). It has the same arguments and functionality as the corresponding OpenGL glFrustum() function.
See also
void SbDPViewVolume::rotateCamera (const SbDPRotation & q)¶
Rotate the direction which the camera is pointing in.
See also
void SbDPViewVolume::translateCamera (const SbVec3d & v)¶
Translate the camera position of the view volume.
See also
SbVec3d SbDPViewVolume::zVector (void ) const¶
Return the vector pointing from the center of the view volume towards the camera. This is just the vector pointing in the opposite direction of getProjectionDirection().
See also
SbDPViewVolume SbDPViewVolume::zNarrow (double nearval, double farval) const¶
Return a copy SbDPViewVolume with narrowed depth by supplying parameters for new near and far clipping planes.
nearval and \farval should be relative to the current clipping planes. A value of 1.0 is at the current near plane. A value of 0.0 is at the current far plane.
See also
void SbDPViewVolume::scale (double factor)¶
Scale width and height of viewing frustum by the given ratio around the projection plane center axis.
See also
void SbDPViewVolume::scaleWidth (double ratio)¶
Scale width of viewing frustum by the given ratio around the vertical center axis in the projection plane.
See also
void SbDPViewVolume::scaleHeight (double ratio)¶
Scale height of viewing frustum by the given ratio around the horizontal center axis in the projection plane.
See also
SbDPViewVolume::ProjectionType SbDPViewVolume::getProjectionType (void ) const¶
Return current view volume projection type, which can be either ORTHOGRAPHIC or PERSPECTIVE.
See also
const SbVec3d & SbDPViewVolume::getProjectionPoint (void ) const¶
Returns coordinates of center point in the projection plane.
const SbVec3d & SbDPViewVolume::getProjectionDirection (void ) const¶
Returns the direction of projection, i.e. the direction the camera is pointing.
See also
double SbDPViewVolume::getNearDist (void ) const¶
Returns distance from projection plane to near clipping plane.
See also
double SbDPViewVolume::getWidth (void ) const¶
Returns width of viewing frustum in the projection plane.
See also
double SbDPViewVolume::getHeight (void ) const¶
Returns height of viewing frustum in the projection plane.
See also
double SbDPViewVolume::getDepth (void ) const¶
Returns depth of viewing frustum, i.e. the distance from the near clipping plane to the far clipping plane.
See also
void SbDPViewVolume::print (FILE * fp) const¶
Dump the state of this object to the file stream. Only works in debug version of library, method does nothing in an optimized compile.
void SbDPViewVolume::getViewVolumePlanes (SbPlane planes[6]) const¶
Returns the six planes defining the view volume in the following order: left, bottom, right, top, near, far. Plane normals are directed into the view volume.
This method is an extension for Coin, and is not available in the original Open Inventor.
void SbDPViewVolume::transform (const SbDPMatrix & matrix)¶
Transform the viewing volume by matrix.
SbVec3d SbDPViewVolume::getViewUp (void ) const¶
Returns the view up vector for this view volume. It's a vector which is perpendicular to the projection direction, and parallel and oriented in the same direction as the vector from the lower left corner to the upper left corner of the near plane.
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