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STOREBACKUPMOUNT(1) | User Contributed Perl Documentation | STOREBACKUPMOUNT(1) |
Mounts file systems (defined in /etc/fstab) and starts storeBackup related programs if you use command line, the order of execution depends on the order of the --storeBackup* options if you use the configuration file, the oder of execution depends on option 'orderOfExecution'
SYNOPSIS¶ --help or -g configFile or -f configFile or [-s servers] [-d] [-l logFile [--suppressTime] [-m maxFilelen] [[-n noOfOldFiles] | [--saveLogs]] [--compressWith compressprog]] [--storeBackup storeBackup-Params] [--storeBackupUpdateBackup storeBackupUpdateBackup-Params] [--storeBackupCheckBackup storeBackupCheckBackup-Params] [--storeBackupCheckSource storeBackupCheckSource-Params] [--storeBackupDel storeBackupDel-Params] [--printAndStop] [-k killTime] [-T tmpdir] [mountPoints...]
This script does the following:
- --help
show this help
- --generate, -g
generate a template of the configuration file
- --file, -f
configuration file (instead of or additionally to options on command line)
- --servers, -s
name(s) or ip address(es) of the nfs server(s) This option can be repeated multiple times
- --debug, -d
generate some debug messages
- --logFile, -l
logFile for this process. default is STDOUT.
- --suppressTime
suppress output of time in logfile
- --maxFilelen, -m
maximal length of log file, default = 1e6
- --noOfOldFiles, -n
number of old log files, default = 5
- --saveLogs
save log files with date and time instead of deleting the old (with [-noOfOldFiles])
- --compressWith
compress saved log files (e.g. with 'gzip -9') default is 'bzip2' This parameter is parsed like a line in the configuration file and normally has to be quoted.
- --storeBackup
run use this parameter as options for This parameter is parsed like the line in the configuration file and normally has to be quoted, eg. '-f stbu.conf'
- --storeBackupUpdateBackup
run use this parameter as options for This parameter is parsed like the line in the configuration file and normally has to be quoted, eg. '-b /backupDir'
- --storeBackupCheckBackup
run use this parameter as options for This parameter is parsed like the line in the configuration file and normally has to be quoted, eg. '-c /backupDir'
- --storeBackupCheckSource
run use this parameter as options for This parameter is parsed like the line in the configuration file and normally has to be quoted, eg. '-s /home/bob -b /backupDir'
- --storeBackupDel
run use this parameter as options for This parameter is parsed like the line in the configuration file and normally has to be quoted, eg. '-f stbu.conf'
- --printAndStop, -p
print options and stop processing
- --killTime -k
time until any of the programs started will be killed. default is 365 days. the time range has to be specified in format 'dhms', e.g. 10d4h means 10 days and 4 hours
- --tmpdir, -T
directory for temporary files, default is </tmp>
- mountPoints
List of mount points needed to perform the backup. This must be a list of paths which have to be defined in /etc/fstab. - if you add 'ro,' or 'rw,' to the beginning of a mount point, you can overwrite that option set in /etc/fstab example: ro,/fileSystemToRead will mount /fileSystemToRead read only, even if the corresponding entry in /etc/fstab mounts is read/write only root is allowed to use this feature!
- 0 -> everything is ok
- 1 -> error from called program
- 2 -> error from storeBackupMount
- 3 -> error from both programs
Copyright (c) 2004-2022 by Heinz-Josef Claes (see README). Published under the GNU General Public License v3 or any later version
2022-03-20 | perl v5.34.0 |