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std::ranges::chunk_view::iterator::operator++,--,+=,-=(3) C++ Standard Libary std::ranges::chunk_view::iterator::operator++,--,+=,-=(3)


std::ranges::chunk_view::iterator::operator++,--,+=,-= - std::ranges::chunk_view::iterator::operator++,--,+=,-=


constexpr /*iterator*/& operator++(); (1) (since C++23)
constexpr /*iterator*/ operator++( int ); (2) (since C++23)
constexpr /*iterator*/& operator--() (3) (since C++23)
requires ranges::bidirectional_range<Base>;
constexpr /*iterator*/ operator--( int ) (4) (since C++23)
requires ranges::bidirectional_range<Base>;
constexpr /*iterator*/& operator+=( difference_type x ) (5) (since C++23)
requires ranges::random_access_range<Base>;
constexpr /*iterator*/& operator-=( difference_type x ) (6) (since C++23)
requires ranges::random_access_range<Base>;

Advances or decrements the iterator.

Let current_, end_, and n_ be the underlying data members of chunk_view::iterator.

1) Equivalent to:

missing_ = ranges::advance(current_, n_, end_);
return *this;

Before the invocation the expression current_ != end_ must be true, otherwise the
behavior is undefined.
2) Equivalent to: auto tmp = *this; ++*this; return tmp;.
3) Equivalent to:

ranges::advance(current_, missing_ - n_);
missing_ = 0;
return *this;

4) Equivalent to: auto tmp = *this; --*this; return tmp;.
5) Equivalent to:

if (x > 0)
ranges::advance(current_, n_ * (x - 1));
missing_ = ranges::advance(current_, n_, end_);
else if (x < 0)
ranges::advance(current_, n_ * x + missing_);
missing_ = 0;
return *this;

If x is positive, then before the invocation the expression
ranges::distance(current_, end_) > n_ * (x - 1) must be true (i.e., informally, the
requested chunk should be "inside" the underlying sequence). If x is negative, this
precondition is always met.
6) Equivalent to: return *this += -x;.


x - a position relative to current location

Return value

1,3,5,6) *this
2,4) a copy of *this that was made before the change


This section is incomplete
Reason: no example

See also

operator+ performs iterator arithmetic
operator- (function)


* Todo no example
