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std::experimental::ranges::tagged::tagged(3) C++ Standard Libary std::experimental::ranges::tagged::tagged(3)


std::experimental::ranges::tagged::tagged - std::experimental::ranges::tagged::tagged


using Base::Base; (1)
tagged() = default; (2)
tagged(tagged&& that) = default; (3)
tagged(const tagged& that) = default; (4)
tagged(Base&& that) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible<Base>::value) (5)
requires MoveConstructible<Base>;
tagged(const Base& that)
noexcept(std::is_nothrow_copy_constructible<Base>::value) (6)
requires CopyConstructible<Base>;
template <class Other>

requires Constructible<Base, Other> (7)
constexpr tagged(ranges::tagged<Other, Tags...> && that)

noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible<Base, Other>::value);
template <class Other>

requires Constructible<Base, const Other&> (8)

constexpr tagged(const ranges::tagged<Other, Tags...> &that);

Constructs a tagged object.

1) tagged<Base, Tags...> inherits the constructors of Base.
2-4) tagged has defaulted default, copy, and move constructors that invoke the
corresponding constructor of Base.
5) Converting move constructor from Base. Initializes the Base subobject with
6) Converting copy constructor from Base. Initializes the Base subobject with that.
7) Converting move constructor from a different tagged specialization with matching
tags. Initializes the Base subobject with static_cast<Other&&>(that).
8) Converting copy constructor from a different tagged specialization with matching
tags. Initializes the Base subobject with static_cast<const Other&>(that).
