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std::experimental::ranges::tagged::operator=(3) C++ Standard Libary std::experimental::ranges::tagged::operator=(3)


std::experimental::ranges::tagged::operator= - std::experimental::ranges::tagged::operator=


tagged &operator=( tagged&& that ) = default; (1)
tagged &operator=( const tagged& that ) = default; (2)
template< class Other >

requires Assignable<Base&, Other> (3)
constexpr tagged& operator=( ranges::tagged<Other, Tags...>&& that )

noexcept(std::is_nothrow_assignable<Base&, Other>::value);
template< class Other >

requires Assignable<Base&, const Other&> (4)

constexpr tagged& operator=( const ranges::tagged<Other, Tags...>& that );
template< class U >

requires Assignable<Base&, U> && !Same<std::decay_t<U>, tagged> (5)

constexpr tagged& operator=( U&& that )
noexcept(std::is_nothrow_assignable<Base&, U>::value);

Assigns the contents of that to *this.

1,2) tagged has defaulted copy and move assignment operators that invoke the
corresponding assignment operator of Base.
3) Converting move assignment from a different tagged specialization with matching
tags. Equivalent to static_cast<Base&>(*this) = static_cast<Other&&>(that);.
4) Converting copy assignment from a different tagged specialization with matching
tags. Equivalent to static_cast<Base&>(*this) = static_cast<const Other&>(that);.
5) Assigns that to the Base subobject. Equivalent to static_cast<Base&>(*this) =

Return value

