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std::experimental::ranges::search_n(3) | C++ Standard Libary | std::experimental::ranges::search_n(3) |
std::experimental::ranges::search_n - std::experimental::ranges::search_n
Defined in header <experimental/ranges/algorithm>
template< ForwardIterator I, Sentinel<I> S, class T,
class Pred = ranges::equal_to<>, class Proj =
ranges::identity >
requires IndirectlyComparable<I, const T*, Pred, Proj> (1)
(ranges TS)
I search_n( I first, S last, ranges::difference_type_t<I> count,
const T& value, Pred pred = Pred{}, Proj proj = Proj{}
template< ForwardRange R, class T, class Pred =
class Proj = ranges::identity >
requires IndirectlyComparable<ranges::iterator_t<R>, const T*,
Pred, Proj>
ranges::safe_iterator_t<R> search_n( R&& r, (2) (ranges
ranges::difference_type_t<ranges::iterator_t<R>> count,
const T& value, Pred pred =
Pred{}, Proj proj = Proj{} );
1) Searches the range [first, last) for the first sequence of count elements
projected values are each equal to the given value value according to the
2) Same as (1), but uses r as the source range, as if using
ranges::begin(r) as
first and ranges::end(r) as last.
first, last - the range of elements to examine
r - the range of elements to examine
count - the length of the sequence to search for
value - the value to search for
pred - the predicate that compares the projected elements with value
proj - the projection to apply to the elements
Return value¶
Iterator to the beginning of the found sequence in the range
[first, last). If no
such sequence is found, an iterator that compares equal to last is
At most last - first applications of the predicate and the projection.
Possible implementation¶
template<ForwardIterator I, Sentinel<I> S, class T,
class Pred = ranges::equal_to<>, class Proj = ranges::identity>
requires IndirectlyComparable<I, const T*, Pred, Proj>
I search_n(I first, S last, ranges::difference_type_t<I> count,
const T& value, Pred pred = Pred{}, Proj proj = Proj{})
for (; first != last; ++first)
if (!ranges::invoke(pred, ranges::invoke(proj, *first), value))
I candidate = first;
ranges::difference_type_t<I> cur_count = 0;
while (true)
if (cur_count == count)
// success
return candidate;
if (first == last)
// exhausted the list
return first;
if (!ranges::invoke(pred, ranges::invoke(proj, *first), value))
// too few in a row
return first;
This section is incomplete
Reason: no example
See also¶
search_n searches a range for a number of consecutive copies of
an element
(function template)
find_end finds the last sequence of elements in a certain range
(function template)
find finds the first element satisfying specific criteria
find_if (function template)
search searches for a range of elements
(function template)
* Todo no example
2024.06.10 | |