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SCATOOL(8) Supportconfig Analysis Manual SCATOOL(8)


scatool - Supportconfig Analysis (SCA) Tool


scatool [OPTIONS] [archive_or_server]


The scatool is used to analyze the local server using supportconfig and the Supportconfig Analysis patterns.


Displays the help screen.
Run supportconfig on the local server and analyze it. The archive_or_server is not required when using -s because the local hostname is assumed.
The HTML report file will be written to this directory. If -o is not specified, the output file will be in the same location as the supportconfig file or directory.
Send the HTML report to the email address(es) provided. Comma separated list.
Prints a pattern summary of installed patterns. The summary includes the pattern directory and the number of patterns it contains.
Remove the supportconfig tar ball or directory after analysis. The default behavior is to keep it.
Run in verbose mode.



The SCA Tool configuration file. See scatool.conf(5) for further details.


Runs supportconfig on the local host and analyzes its output. It saves the HTML report file to the same location at the supportconfig with the same name, but ending in .html.
Analyzes the supportconfig archive file specified. The path can be a tarred compressed supportconfig archive or a supportconfig extracted directory, either will work. The HTML report file is saved in the save location as the supportconfig archive or directory.
Analyzes the supportconfig archive extracted directory.
Runs supportconfig on the local host. It saves the HTML report file in the output path specified instead of the default path of the supportconfig tarball. Once the analysis is complete, delete the supportconfig archive file and directory. The -r is the same as REMOVE_ARCHIVE=1 in /etc/sca/scatool.conf.
Establishes an ssh connection to to run a supportconfig on the server. The supportconfig is then copied back to the local host to be analyzed. The HTML report file is saved to the default /var/log directory.


Jason Record <>
David Hamner <>


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <>.



2020 Nov 12 sca-server-report