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SAPStartSrv_maintenance_examples(7) SAPStartSrv SAPStartSrv_maintenance_examples(7)


SAPStartSrv_maintenance_examples - maintenance examples for SAPStartSrv


Maintenance examples for SAPStartSrv and SUSE HA for SAP Enqueue Standalone clusters. Please see ocf_suse_SAPStartSrv(7), SAPStartSrv_basic_cluster(7) and sap_suse_cluster_connector(8) for more examples and read the REQUIREMENTS section there.


* Check status of Linux cluster and ENSA replication pair.

This steps should be performed before doing anything with the cluster, and after something has been done.

# cs_clusterstate -i
# crm_mon -1r
# crm configure show | grep cli-
# su - en1adm -c "sapcontrol -nr 00 -function GetSystemInstanceList"
# su - en1adm -c "sapcontrol -nr 00 -function GetProcessList"
# su - en1adm -c "sapcontrol -nr 00 -function HACheckMaintenanceMode"
# su - en1adm -c "sapcontrol -nr 00 -function HAGetFailoverConfig"
# cs_clusterstate -i

* Set resource group of ASCS into maintenance.

This is needed to allow manual actions on the ASCS group´s resources. In this example, SID is EN1, instance number of ASCS is 00. It is neccessary to wait for each step to complete and to check the result. See also exmaple below.

# crm resource maintenance grp_EN1_ASCS00 on
# crm configure show grp_EN1_ASCS00

* Get resource group of ASCS back from maintenance.

This is needed to put back under cluster control the ASCS group´s resources. In this example, SID is EN1, instance number of ASCS is 00. It is neccessary to wait for each step to complete and to check the result. See also exmaple above.

# crm resource refresh grp_EN1_ASCS00
# crm resource maintenance grp_EN1_ASCS00 off
# crm configure show grp_EN1_ASCS00

* Set whole Linux cluster into maintenance.

# crm configure property maintenance-mode=true
# crm_attribute --query -t crm_config -n maintenance-mode

* Remove left-over maintenance attribute from overall Linux cluster.

This could be done to avoid confusion caused by different maintenance procedures. See above overview on maintenance procedures whith running Linux cluster. Before doing so, check for cluster attribute maintenance-mode="false".

# crm_attribute --delete -t crm_config -n maintenance-mode
# crm_attribute --query -t crm_config -n maintenance-mode

* Remove left-over standby attribute from Linux cluster nodes.

This could be done to avoid confusion caused by different maintenance procedures. See above overview on maintenance procedures whith running Linux cluster. Before doing so for all nodes, check for node attribute standby="off" on all nodes.

# crm_attribute --delete -t node -N node1 -n standby
# crm_attribute --query -t node -N node1 -n standby

* Remove left-over maintenance attribute from resource.

This should usually not be needed. See above overview on maintenance procedures whith running Linux cluster.

# crm_resource --resource grp_EN1_ASCS00 --delete-parameter maintenance --meta

* Disable Linux cluster on all cluster nodes.

On any cluster node the cluster will not start automatically on boot anymore. Nevertheless a currently running cluster will keep running.

# crm cluster run "crm cluster disable"
# crm cluster run "systemctl status pacemaker" | grep pacemaker.service

* Start Linux cluster on all cluster nodes.

# crm cluster run "crm cluster start"
# crm cluster run "systemctl status pacemaker" | grep pacemaker.service

* Perform an ASCS takeover by using SAP tools.

In this example, SID is EN1, instance number of ASCS is 00, instance number of ERS is 10. Only two nodes are in the Linux cluster. As consequence of ASCS takeover, the cluster will move the ERS. It is neccessary to wait for each step to complete and to check the result.

# su - en1adm -c "sapcontrol -nr 00 -function HAFailoverToNode ''"
# crm resource clear rsc_sap_EN1_ASCS00
# crm resource cleanup rsc_sap_EN1_ERS10

* Overview on simple procedure for stopping and temporarily disabling the Linux cluster. ASCS and ERS instances get fully stopped.

This procedure can be used to update SAP instances, OS or hardware. ASCS and ERS roles and resource status remains unchanged. It is neccessary to wait for each step to complete and to check the result. It also is neccessary to test and document the whole procedure before applying in production. The ASCS instance will not be available from step 1.2 to step 3.3. This is not compliant to official SAP upgrade procedures, like Rolling Kernel Switch.

1.1 stopping ERS instance
1.2 stopping ASCS instance
1.3 disabling pacemaker on all cluster node
1.4 stopping cluster on all cluster node

2. doing the maintenance activity

3.1 enabling pacemaker on all cluster nodes
3.2 starting cluster on all cluster nodes
3.3 starting ASCS instance
3.4 starting ERS instance

* Overview on maintenance procedure for Linux cluster or OS. ASCS and ERS instances remain running.

1. Check status of Linux cluster and ASCS/ERS, see above.
2. Set the Linux cluster into maintenance mode.
3. Stop Linux Cluster on all nodes.
4. Perform maintenance on Linux cluster or OS.
5. Start Linux cluster on all nodes.
6. Let Linux cluster detect status of ASCS/ERS resources.
7. Set cluster ready for operations.
8. Check status of Linux cluster and ASCS/ERS, see above.


Please report feedback and suggestions to


ocf_suse_SAPStartSrv(7) , SAPStartSrv_basic_cluster(7) , sap_suse_cluster_connector(8) , crm(8) , crm_simulate(8) , crm_report(8) , cibadmin(8) , sbd(8) , corosync-cfgtool(8) , systemctl(8) , cs_clusterstate(8) , cs_wait_for_idle(8) , cs_show_ensa_status(8) , ha_related_sap_notes(7)


F.Herschel, L.Pinne


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23 Jun 2022