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RATSLAP(1) User Commands RATSLAP(1)


ratslap - configuration tool for Logitech mice (currently only G300/G300S)


ratslap -h|--help
ratslap -V|--version
ratslap --listkeys
ratslap -s|--select MODE
ratslap -p|--print MODE
ratslap -m|--modify MODIFY_OPTIONS...


RatSlap aims to provide a way to configure configurable Logitech mice from within Linux.

The Logitech G300/G300s has 3 button modes. For each of these modes, you can assign an LED colour, report rate (speed at which the mouse communicates with the computer), DPI setting(s) and button/key combinations.

For a list of available keys and buttons you can bind each mouse button to, run ratslap with the --listkeys option.

NOTE: You cannot remap the scrollwheel. These generate button 4 (up) and 5 (down) and cannot be changed.

Most OPTIONS below can be chained, such as:

ratslap -p F3 -m F4 -c blue -s F4

The above command would print out F3; select F4 for modification and change it's LED colour to blue; then select F4 as the current mode.

This is most useful when you want to configure more than one mode at once, such as restoring a specific state for the entire mouse.


RatSlap more or less follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`-'), and short with one.

Show summary of options.
Show version of program.
Lists all possible modifiers, buttons and keys for assignment.
--select MODE
Switches to MODE. Valid MODEs are "F3", "F4" and "F5" (case insensative).
--print MODE
Prints out MODE's current button mapping.
--modify MODE
Modifies MODE using MODIFY_OPTIONS (see below)


The following options modify the current MODE selected for modification (using -m|--modify, see above)

--rate RATE
Set the report rate of the mouse to RATE. Valid RATEs are "125", "250", "500", "1000", measured in hertz (times per second).
--D1 DPI
Sets the DPI value for sensitivity level 1 to DPI. Valid DPIs range from 250 to 4000, at intervals of 250.
--D2 DPI
Sets the DPI value for sensitivity level 2 to DPI. Valid DPIs range from 250 to 4000, at intervals of 250.
--D3 DPI
Sets the DPI value for sensitivity level 3 to DPI. Valid DPIs range from 250 to 4000, at intervals of 250.
--D4 DPI
Sets the DPI value for sensitivity level 4 to DPI. Valid DPIs range from 250 to 4000, at intervals of 250.
--default-dpi LEVEL
Selects which DPI sensitivity level (1–4) is the default.
-S [DPI]
--dpishift [DPI]
Enables the DPI shift function. If DPI is specified, also sets the shifted DPI to that value. Valid DPIs range from 250 to 4000, at intervals of 250.
Disables the DPI shift function. The currently set value is not changed.
--colour COLOUR
--color COLOUR
Set the colour of the mouse to COLOUR. Valid COLOURs are "BLACK" (off), "RED", "GREEN", "YELLOW", "BLUE", "MAGENTA", "CYAN" and "WHITE" (case insensative).
--left KEYS
Binds mouse button 1 (the left mouse button) to KEYS.
For a list of valid modifiers, keys and buttons that can be assigned, use the --listkeys option.
--right KEYS
Binds mouse button 2 (the right mouse button) to KEYS.
For a list of valid modifiers, keys and buttons that can be assigned, use the --listkeys option.
--middle KEYS
Binds mouse button 3 (the middle mouse button) to KEYS.
For a list of valid modifiers, keys and buttons that can be assigned, use the --listkeys option.
Binds mouse button 4 (the G4 mouse button) to KEYS.
For a list of valid modifiers, keys and buttons that can be assigned, use the --listkeys option.
Binds mouse button 5 (the G5 mouse button) to KEYS.
For a list of valid modifiers, keys and buttons that can be assigned, use the --listkeys option.
Binds mouse button 6 (the G6 mouse button) to KEYS.
For a list of valid modifiers, keys and buttons that can be assigned, use the --listkeys option.
Binds mouse button 7 (the G7 mouse button) to KEYS.
For a list of valid modifiers, keys and buttons that can be assigned, use the --listkeys option.
Binds mouse button 8 (the G8 mouse button) to KEYS.
For a list of valid modifiers, keys and buttons that can be assigned, use the --listkeys option.
Binds mouse button 9 (the G9 mouse button) to KEYS.
For a list of valid modifiers, keys and buttons that can be assigned, use the --listkeys option.

09 2020 ratslap 0.4.1