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ec2publishimg.1() ec2publishimg.1()


ec2publishimg - Modify the visibility permissions for an AMI


ec2publishimg [option]


ec2publishimg Set the visibility of an AMI to allow others to use the image or to make the image private, i.e. only available to the account owner.


Specifies the account to use to connect to EC2. The account is specified in the config file ~/.ec2utils.conf. The account is specified as a section with [account-ACCOUNT_NAME] delimiter. The options of the sections are: access_key_id, secret_access_key, ssh_key_name and ssh_private_key. These allow the program to connect to EC2. If the access_key_id and/or secret_access_key are not found in ~/.ec2utils.conf, the search will use the ACCOUNT_NAME to look for a matching section [profile ACCOUNT_NAME] in ~/.aws/config or [ACCOUNT_NAME] in ~/.aws/credentials.
Specifies the AWS access key and overrides the value given for the account with the access_key_id in the configuration file.
Set the image copy permissions. The option supports the keyword image to allow those that the image is shared with to copy it; the keyword none which does not allow copy access and is the default behavior. The option allows the specification of an AWS account number or a comma separated list with no white space to specify multiple account numbers to allow those accounts to copy the image.
The program will not perform any action. It will provide information on stdout about the actions it would perform.
Specifies the configuration file to use. The default is ~/.ec2utils.conf.
Specify the AMI ID of the image to be published. This option is mutually exclusive with --image-name, --image-name-frag, and --image-name-match.
Specify the name of the image to be published. The program will look for an exact match of the name. This option is mutually exclusive with --image-id, --image-name-frag, and --image-name-match options.
Specify a section of an image name for the image(s) to be published. Every image that matches the name fragment will be published. This option is mutually exclusive with the --image-id, --image-name-name, and --image-name-match options.
Specify a regular expression to match an image name. Every image matching the regular expression will be published. This option is mutually exclusive with the --image-id, --image-name-name, and --image-name-frag options.
A comma separated list of Amazon EC2 regions, or a single region. If no region argument is specified all EC2 connected regions will be processed. EC2 disconnected regions have different API keys and thus the specified account would not work with the disconnected regions. If a disconnected region is to be processed specify the region explicitly on the command line, and only the region of interest along with the matching account.
Specifies the AWS secret access key and overrides the value given for the account with the secret_access_key in the configuration file.
Specify the scope of the image publishing/sharing. The option supports the keyword all to set the image to public, the keyword none to set the image private, or expects a AWS account number to share the image with a specific account. Use a comma separated list with no white space to specify multiple account numbers. By default the selected image will be published, i.e. all is the default value.
Print extra output about the operations performed to STDOUT.
Print the version of he program


ec2publishimg --account example --image-name-match production-v2 --share-with all

Will set all images in all connected regions that match the production-v2 regular expression as public.


Robert Schweikert (