pint.1() | pint.1() |
pint - Public-cloud INformation Tracker
pint providers [options]
pint image_states [options]
pint provider server_types|regions|images|servers [options]
pint A client for the SUSE Public Cloud Information service at The SUSE Public Cloud Information service provides information about the SUSE maintained and operated update infrastructure as well as the SUSE published guest images in Public Cloud provider frameworks. It also provides the generic metadata information like the list of available providers, image states, server types and regions.
The information service provides a REST API which flows from generic to to specific using the general format as follows:
- <framework>
- [<region>]/
- <data-selector>/
- <data-target>.<format>
For example:
- Provides a list of all providers in JSON format.
- Provides a list of all image states in JSON format.
- Provides a list of all server types in Amazon Web Service EC2 in JSON format.
- Provides a list of all known regions in Amazon Web Service EC2 in JSON format.
- Provides information about all servers part of the SUSE update infrastructure in Amazon Web Services EC2 in JSON format.
- Provides information about all the active images published in Google Compute Engine in JSON format.
- Provides information about all active images in Microsoft Azure in the 'West US' region.
The pint command line client provides a convenience tool to access the information provided by the information service and provides additional filtering capabilities.
- <providers>
- The <providers> argument is used to obtain a list of frameworks for which additional information is available. Use one of the values for the framework argument.
- <image_states>
- The <image_states> argument is used to obtain a list of states that describe the maintenance mode of the image. Each listed state can be used as an option when querying image information.
- <framework>
- One of the supported cloud frameworks obtained with the providers argument. The <framework> argument specifies for which cloud provider the information should be retrieved.
- <data-selector>
- One of the supported information types, images or servers. The <data-selector> argument specifies the type of the information of interest. With the images argument information about the SUSE published images in the given framework is retrieved. When the servers argument is provided information about the SUSE operated servers in the SUSE maintained update infrastructure is retrieved.
- <image_state>
- One of the image states obtained with the image_states argument. This option is only valid when used with the images argument. It provides information about images in the given state.
- --filter
- Filter the information based on the given value(s). If the information is
to be filtered on more than one entry type provide a comma separated list.
The output is a subset of results that match all the filters. The filter
option specifies one or more of the valid data entries for the chosen
<data-selector> and is a valid option for the images
and servers arguments. Name filters ( name,
replacementname ) can be partial string matches (~), partial string
exclusions (!), or regular expression matches (%). Date filters (
deletedon, deprecatedon, publishedon ) can be less
than, equal or greater than a specified date, in the format
yyyymmdd. Valid filter values for images are:
deletedon>, deletedon=, deletedon<,
deprecatedon>, deprecatedon=, deprecatedon<,
name~, name!, name%,
publishedon>, publishedon=, publishedon<,
replacementname~, replacementname!, replacementname%.
Note that not all filters will be populated for all images in all frameworks.
Valid filter values for servers are:
name~. name!. name%.
Note that the name for all update servers is the same in each cloud framework. For example in the Microsoft Azure Public Cloud framework. The names are not resolvable via DNS lookup. The name for all region servers are the same, regionserver across all cloud frameworks.
- --filter="publishedon>20150101,name~11-sp3"
- Filters images to a subset with a name containing "11-sp3" and published after Jan 1, 2015.
- -h --help
- Print a help message.
- --json
- Set the output format to JSON format. The option is mutually exclusive with the --xml option. XML is the default output format if neither option is provided.
- --region
- Specify the region for which the information is supposed to be retrieved. If no information is specified information for all regions in the given framework is retrieved.
- --regionserver
- The regionserver option is only valid when used with the servers argument. It provides information about the regionservers in the given framework. Region servers are systems operated and maintained by SUSE that associate your instance in the given region with the region local SMT (update) servers.
- --smt
- The smt option is only valid when used with the servers argument. It provides information about the SMT (update) servers operated and maintained by SUSE.
- -v --version
- Print the current version of the program
pint google servers --smt --json
Will provide information about all SMT servers running in Google Compute Engine in JSON format.
pint amazon images --region us-west-2 --active --xml
Will provide information about the active images in Amazon Web Services EC2 in the us-west-2 region (Oregon).
pint microsoft images --active --filter="name~priority"
Will provide information about the active 'priority' images in Microsoft Azure.
SUSE Public Cloud Team (