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slapo-datamorph - store enumerated values and fixed size integers




The datamorph overlay to slapd(8) allows attributes with a few pre-defined values to be saved more space-efficiently as well as signed or unsigned integer attributes.

The overlay operates on configured attributes that must have their syntax compatible with, there are three such syntaxes defined by the overlay: (Enumerated value), (Fixed-size integer), and (Fixed-size signed integer).

While transforming the request, if a value for an attribute is not permitted by the configuration, the behaviour depends on the operation:

The affected value assertions in a Search request filter are replaced by a filter returning Undefined .
Request returns Compare False.
Requests are rejected with a Constraint Violation.

The supported allowed matching rules for the attribute types above are:

Appropriate for syntaxes (Enumerated value), and (Fixed-size integer).
Appropriate for syntax (Fixed-size signed integer) only.
Appropriate for syntaxes (Enumerated value), and (Fixed-size integer). Enumerated value attributes are compared according to their stored database value.
Appropriate for syntax (Fixed-size signed integer) only.


The overlay has to be instantiated under a database adding an entry of olcOverlay=datamorph with objectClass of olcDatamorphConfig.

The overlay configuration subtree consists of the following levels:

Main overlay configuration. Created directly under the database configuration entry.
Specifies a fixed-size integer attribute and must be a child of an entry with objectClass=olcDatamorphConfig. There may be as many such entries as necessary provided they all specify a different attribute in the olcDatamorphAttribute attribute.
Specifies an enumerated attribute and must be a child of an entry with objectClass=olcDatamorphConfig. There may be as many such entries as necessary provided they all specify a different attribute in the olcDatamorphAttribute attribute.
Specifies a permitted value for the enumerated attribute and its database representation. Must be a child of an entry with objectClass=olcDatamorphEnum. There may be as many such entries as necessary provided they all specify a different value and index in the corresponding fields.

In the case of slapd.conf(5), the attribute definition is delimited by the keyword datamorph to define an integer or enumerated attribute followed by an arbitrary number of datamorph_value lines in the case of an enumerated one. Each new datamorph line starts configuring a new attribute.


The enumerated attribute entry configuration (olcDatamorphEnum) only has the following option available:

Mandatory attribute, indicates that the named attribute is to be handled by the overlay. The slapd.conf(5) equivalent is datamorph int <attribute>.

The children of this entry then define how the string values map to the database values. They use the objectclass olcDatamorphEnumValue, which asks for the following attributes:

A permitted value for the attribute being configured.
The corresponding database value.

The slapd.conf(5) equivalent of the above two is datamorph_value <0-255> <value> .


The fixed-width integer configuration entry (olcDatamorphInteger) has the following options available:

Mandatory attribute, indicates that the named attribute is to be handled by the overlay. The slapd.conf(5) equivalent is datamorph int <attribute>.
Size of the integer as stored in the backend. The slapd.conf(5) equivalent is datamorph_size <1|2|4|8>.
Whether the integer is to be treated as signed. Note that the overlay will not enforce consistency between this option and the attribute's syntax. The slapd.conf(5) equivalent is datamorph_signed <TRUE|FALSE>.
The lowest value that the configured attribute will be allowed to have. This affects all operations where values are mentioned. The slapd.conf(5) equivalent is datamorph_lower_bound <number>.
The highest value that the configured attribute will be allowed to have. This affects all operations where values are mentioned. The slapd.conf(5) equivalent is datamorph_upper_bound <number>.


The following is an example of a configured overlay, substitute $DATABASE for the DN of the database it is attached to and {x} with the desired position of the overlay in the overlay stack.

dn: olcOverlay={x}datamorph,$DATABASE
objectClass: olcDatamorphConfig
olcOverlay: datamorph
# to handle attribute 'enumeratedAttribute'
dn: olcDatamorphAttribute=enumeratedAttribute,olcOverlay={x}datamorph,$DATABASE
objectClass: olcDatamorphEnum
# value 'value1' corresponds to 'AQ==' (0x01)
dn: olcDatamorphValue=value1,olcDatamorphAttribute={0}enumeratedAttribute,olcOv

erlay={x}datamorph,$DATABASE objectclass: olcDatamorphEnumValue olcDatamorphIndex: 1 # value 'value11' corresponds to 'Cw==' (0x0B) dn: olcDatamorphValue=value11,olcDatamorphAttribute={0}enumeratedAttribute,olcO
verlay={x}datamorph,$DATABASE objectclass: olcDatamorphEnumValue olcDatamorphIndex: 11 # handle attribute 'signedInteger' as a 2-byte signed integer with values # between -20000 and 30000 (inclusive on both sides) dn: olcDatamorphAttribute=signedInteger,olcOverlay={x}datamorph,$DATABASE objectclass: olcDatamorphInteger olcDatamorphIntegerBytes: 2 olcDatamorphIntegerSigned: TRUE olcDatamorphIntegerLowerBound: -20000 olcDatamorphIntegerUpperBound: 30000 # handle attribute 'shortInteger' as a 1-byte unsigned integer with only values # 0 and 1 allowed (effectively a true/false) dn: olcDatamorphAttribute=shortInteger,olcOverlay={x}datamorph,$DATABASE objectclass: olcDatamorphInteger olcDatamorphIntegerBytes: 1 olcDatamorphIntegerUpperBound: 1 olcDatamorphIntegerSigned: FALSE

The slapd.conf(5) equivalent of the above follows:

overlay datamorph
datamorph enum enumeratedAttribute
datamorph_value 1 value1
datamorph_value 11 value11
datamorph int signedInteger
datamorph_size 2
datamorph_signed TRUE
datamorph_lower_bound -20000
datamorph_upper_bound 30000
datamorph int shortInteger
datamorph_size 1
datamorph_signed no
datamorph_upper_bound 1


Given that there are syntaxes and matching rules provided by the overlay, it should be configured on each replica to guarantee consistency.


Due to the fact that overlays are not active in the slapcat(8) nor slapadd(8) processes, backups of the database will be made exactly as stored. This means that backups made using ldapsearch(1) cannot be used by slapadd(8) nor can backups made using slapcat(8) be loaded using ldapadd(8).

Value based ACLs that involve values of the transformed attributes are not supported.

The overlay will refuse operations that add or rename entries with any of the configured attributes in their RDN.

No controls are explicitly handled in the overlay, attaching any controls that reference configured attributes might lead to unexpected behaviour and is therefore discouraged.

Increment modification of the configured attributes is not supported either.

If a transformation is configured to be signed yet the attribute's schema uses the unsigned syntax and matching rules, inequality matching will not work as intended and will treat negative numbers as higher than positive numbers.


default slapd configuration file
default slapd configuration directory


slapd-config(5), slapd.conf(5), slapd.overlays(5), slapd(8), slapcat(8), slapadd(8)


This module was developed in 2016 by Ondřej Kuzník for Symas Corp.