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nst-msg - send message to nst terminal emulator


nst-msg [-S] [-s] [-d] [-D] [-t] [--cwds]


nst-msg is a tool to interact with running nst(1) terminal emulator instances.

Most commands target the currently running terminal which is identified by the NST_IPC_ADDR environment variable that is automatically set by nst. Some commands are global and target all terminal instances accessible by the calling user.


-S, --snapshot

save snapshot of the current terminal history. The snapshot can later be retrieved via -s.

-s, --get-snapshot

Print the data stored during the last snapshot operation (-S) to stdout. If no snapshot is available then nothing is printed.

-d, --get-history

Print (dump) the current terminal history buffer to stdout.

-D, --get-global-history

Like -d but prints the concatenated history of all accessible nst instances to stdout. This can be used to search for data lost in one of many terminal instances.

-t, --test

Performs a connection test to the associated nst terminal emulator instance. If the connection succeeds then an exit status of zero is returned, non-zero otherwise. This can be used to determine whether an nst terminal is associated at all.


This retrieves the current working directories of the child processes of all reachable nst instances. One CWD is printed per line, and only unique entries are printed. This does not currently support the exotic case that the CWD may contain a newline character.


Print the nst-msg version number and exists.

-h, --help

Print a usage text.


See the LICENSE file for the authors.


See the LICENSE file for the terms of redistribution.
