log4shib::Category(3) | Library Functions Manual | log4shib::Category(3) |
log4shib::Category - This is the central class in the log4j package.
#include <Category.hh>
Inherited by log4shib::FixedContextCategory.
Public Member Functions¶
virtual ~Category ()
Destructor for Category. virtual const std::string & getName
() const throw ()
Return the category name. virtual void setPriority
(Priority::Value priority)
Set the priority of this Category. virtual Priority::Value
getPriority () const throw ()
Returns the assigned Priority, if any, for this Category.
virtual Priority::Value getChainedPriority () const throw ()
Starting from this Category, search the category hierarchy for a set
priority and return it. virtual bool isPriorityEnabled
(Priority::Value priority) const throw ()
Returns true if the chained priority of the Category is equal to or
higher than given priority. virtual void addAppender (Appender
Adds an Appender to this Category. virtual void
addAppender (Appender &appender)
Adds an Appender for this Category. void setAppender
(Appender *appender)
Adds an Appender to this Category. void setAppender
(Appender &appender)
Adds an Appender for this Category. virtual Appender *
getAppender () const
Returns the first Appender for this Category, or NULL if no
Appender has been set. virtual Appender * getAppender
(const std::string &name) const
Returns the specified Appender for this Category, or NULL if the
Appender is not attached to this Category. virtual
AppenderSet getAllAppenders () const
Returns the set of Appenders currently attached to this Catogory. virtual void
removeAllAppenders ()
Removes all appenders for this Category. virtual void
removeAppender (Appender *appender)
Removes specified appender for this Category. bool ownsAppender
() const throw ()
Returns true if the Category owns the first Appender in its
Appender set. virtual bool ownsAppender (Appender
*appender) const throw ()
Returns true if the Category owns the Appender. virtual void
callAppenders (const LoggingEvent &event) throw ()
Call the appenders in the hierarchy starting at this. virtual void
setAdditivity (bool additivity)
Set the additivity flag for this Category instance. virtual bool
getAdditivity () const throw ()
Returns the additivity flag for this Category instance. virtual
Category * getParent () throw ()
Returns the parent category of this category, or NULL if the category is the
root category. virtual const Category * getParent () const
throw ()
Returns the parent category of this category, or NULL if the category is the
root category. virtual void log (Priority::Value priority,
const char *stringFormat,...) throw ()
Log a message with the specified priority. virtual void log
(Priority::Value priority, const std::string &message) throw ()
Log a message with the specified priority. virtual void logva
(Priority::Value priority, const char *stringFormat, va_list va)
throw ()
Log a message with the specified priority. void debug (const char
*stringFormat,...) throw ()
Log a message with debug priority. void debug (const std::string
&message) throw ()
Log a message with debug priority. bool isDebugEnabled () const throw
Return true if the Category will log messages with priority DEBUG.
CategoryStream debugStream ()
Return a CategoryStream with priority DEBUG. void info (const
char *stringFormat,...) throw ()
Log a message with info priority. void info (const std::string
&message) throw ()
Log a message with info priority. bool isInfoEnabled () const throw ()
Return true if the Category will log messages with priority INFO.
CategoryStream infoStream ()
Return a CategoryStream with priority INFO. void notice (const
char *stringFormat,...) throw ()
Log a message with notice priority. void notice (const std::string
&message) throw ()
Log a message with notice priority. bool isNoticeEnabled () const throw
Return true if the Category will log messages with priority NOTICE.
CategoryStream noticeStream ()
Return a CategoryStream with priority NOTICE. void warn (const
char *stringFormat,...) throw ()
Log a message with warn priority. void warn (const std::string
&message) throw ()
Log a message with warn priority. bool isWarnEnabled () const throw ()
Return true if the Category will log messages with priority WARN.
CategoryStream warnStream ()
Return a CategoryStream with priority WARN. void error (const
char *stringFormat,...) throw ()
Log a message with error priority. void error (const std::string
&message) throw ()
Log a message with error priority. bool isErrorEnabled () const throw
Return true if the Category will log messages with priority ERROR.
CategoryStream errorStream ()
Return a CategoryStream with priority ERROR. void crit (const
char *stringFormat,...) throw ()
Log a message with crit priority. void crit (const std::string
&message) throw ()
Log a message with crit priority. bool isCritEnabled () const throw ()
Return true if the Category will log messages with priority CRIT.
CategoryStream critStream ()
Return a CategoryStream with priority CRIT. void alert (const
char *stringFormat,...) throw ()
Log a message with alert priority. void alert (const std::string
&message) throw ()
Log a message with alert priority. bool isAlertEnabled () const throw
Return true if the Category will log messages with priority ALERT.
CategoryStream alertStream () throw ()
Return a CategoryStream with priority ALERT. void emerg (const
char *stringFormat,...) throw ()
Log a message with emerg priority. void emerg (const std::string
&message) throw ()
Log a message with emerg priority. bool isEmergEnabled () const throw
Return true if the Category will log messages with priority EMERG.
CategoryStream emergStream ()
Return a CategoryStream with priority EMERG. void fatal (const
char *stringFormat,...) throw ()
Log a message with fatal priority. void fatal (const std::string
&message) throw ()
Log a message with fatal priority. bool isFatalEnabled () const throw
Return true if the Category will log messages with priority FATAL.
CategoryStream fatalStream ()
Return a CategoryStream with priority FATAL. virtual
CategoryStream getStream (Priority::Value priority)
Return a CategoryStream with given Priority. virtual
CategoryStream operator<< (Priority::Value
Return a CategoryStream with given Priority.
Static Public Member Functions¶
static Category & getRoot ()
Return the root of the Category hierarchy. static void
setRootPriority (Priority::Value priority)
Set the priority of the root Category. static Priority::Value
getRootPriority () throw ()
Get the priority of the root Category. static Category &
getInstance (const std::string &name)
Instantiate a Category with name name. static Category *
exists (const std::string &name)
If the named category exists (in the default hierarchy) then it returns a
reference to the category, otherwise it returns NULL. static std::vector<
Category * > * getCurrentCategories ()
Returns all the currently defined categories as a vector of Category
pointers. static void shutdown ()
This method will remove all Appenders from Categories.XXX.
Protected Member Functions¶
Category (const std::string &name, Category
*parent, Priority::Value priority=Priority::NOTSET)
Constructor. virtual void _logUnconditionally (Priority::Value
priority, const char *format, va_list arguments) throw ()
virtual void _logUnconditionally2 (Priority::Value priority,
const std::string &message) throw ()
Unconditionally log a message with the specified priority.
class HierarchyMaintainer
Detailed Description¶
This is the central class in the log4j package.
One of the distintive features of log4j (and hence log4shib) are hierarchal categories and their evaluation.
Constructor & Destructor Documentation¶
log4shib::Category::~Category () [virtual]¶
Destructor for Category.
log4shib::Category::Category (const std::string & name, Category * parent, Priority::Value priority = Priority::NOTSET) [protected]¶
parent the parent of this parent, or NULL for the root Category
priority the priority for this Category. Defaults to Priority::NOTSET
Member Function Documentation¶
void log4shib::Category::_logUnconditionally (Priority::Value priority, const char * format, va_list arguments) [protected], [virtual]¶
void log4shib::Category::_logUnconditionally2 (Priority::Value priority, const std::string & message) [protected], [virtual]¶
Unconditionally log a message with the specified priority.
message string to write in the log file
Reimplemented in log4shib::FixedContextCategory.
void log4shib::Category::addAppender (Appender & appender) [virtual]¶
Adds an Appender for this Category. This method does not pass ownership from the caller to the Category.
Reimplemented in log4shib::FixedContextCategory.
void log4shib::Category::addAppender (Appender * appender) [virtual]¶
Adds an Appender to this Category. This method passes ownership from the caller to the Category.
Reimplemented in log4shib::FixedContextCategory.
void log4shib::Category::alert (const char * stringFormat, ...)¶
Log a message with alert priority.
... The arguments for stringFormat
void log4shib::Category::alert (const std::string & message)¶
Log a message with alert priority.
CategoryStream log4shib::Category::alertStream () [inline]¶
Return a CategoryStream with priority ALERT.
void log4shib::Category::callAppenders (const LoggingEvent & event) [virtual]¶
Call the appenders in the hierarchy starting at this. If no appenders could be found, emit a warning.
This method always calls all the appenders inherited form the hierracy circumventing any evaluation of whether to log or not to log the particular log request.
Reimplemented in log4shib::FixedContextCategory.
void log4shib::Category::crit (const char * stringFormat, ...)¶
Log a message with crit priority.
... The arguments for stringFormat
void log4shib::Category::crit (const std::string & message)¶
Log a message with crit priority.
CategoryStream log4shib::Category::critStream () [inline]¶
Return a CategoryStream with priority CRIT.
void log4shib::Category::debug (const char * stringFormat, ...)¶
Log a message with debug priority.
... The arguments for stringFormat
void log4shib::Category::debug (const std::string & message)¶
Log a message with debug priority.
CategoryStream log4shib::Category::debugStream () [inline]¶
Return a CategoryStream with priority DEBUG.
void log4shib::Category::emerg (const char * stringFormat, ...)¶
Log a message with emerg priority.
... The arguments for stringFormat
void log4shib::Category::emerg (const std::string & message)¶
Log a message with emerg priority.
CategoryStream log4shib::Category::emergStream () [inline]¶
Return a CategoryStream with priority EMERG.
void log4shib::Category::error (const char * stringFormat, ...)¶
Log a message with error priority.
... The arguments for stringFormat
void log4shib::Category::error (const std::string & message)¶
Log a message with error priority.
CategoryStream log4shib::Category::errorStream () [inline]¶
Return a CategoryStream with priority ERROR.
Category * log4shib::Category::exists (const std::string & name) [static]¶
If the named category exists (in the default hierarchy) then it returns a reference to the category, otherwise it returns NULL.
void log4shib::Category::fatal (const char * stringFormat, ...)¶
Log a message with fatal priority. NB. priority 'fatal' is equivalent to 'emerg'.
... The arguments for stringFormat
void log4shib::Category::fatal (const std::string & message)¶
Log a message with fatal priority. NB. priority 'fatal' is equivalent to 'emerg'.
CategoryStream log4shib::Category::fatalStream () [inline]¶
Return a CategoryStream with priority FATAL. NB. priority 'fatal' is equivalent to 'emerg'.
bool log4shib::Category::getAdditivity () const [virtual]¶
Returns the additivity flag for this Category instance.
Reimplemented in log4shib::FixedContextCategory.
AppenderSet log4shib::Category::getAllAppenders () const [virtual]¶
Returns the set of Appenders currently attached to this Catogory.
Reimplemented in log4shib::FixedContextCategory.
Appender * log4shib::Category::getAppender () const [virtual]¶
Returns the first Appender for this Category, or NULL if no Appender has been set.
Reimplemented in log4shib::FixedContextCategory.
Appender * log4shib::Category::getAppender (const std::string & name) const [virtual]¶
Returns the specified Appender for this Category, or NULL if the Appender is not attached to this Category.
Reimplemented in log4shib::FixedContextCategory.
Priority::Value log4shib::Category::getChainedPriority () const [virtual]¶
Starting from this Category, search the category hierarchy for a set priority and return it. Otherwise, return the priority of the root category.
The Category class is designed so that this method executes as quickly as possible.
Reimplemented in log4shib::FixedContextCategory.
std::vector< Category * > * log4shib::Category::getCurrentCategories () [static]¶
Returns all the currently defined categories as a vector of Category pointers. Note: this function does not pass ownership of the categories in the vector to the caller, only the ownership of the vector. However vector<Category&>* is not legal C++, so we can't follow the default ownership conventions.
Unlike in log4j, the root category is included in the returned set.
Category & log4shib::Category::getInstance (const std::string & name) [static]¶
Instantiate a Category with name name. This method does not set priority of the category which is by default Priority::NOTSET.
const std::string & log4shib::Category::getName () const [virtual]¶
Return the category name.
Category * log4shib::Category::getParent () [virtual]¶
Returns the parent category of this category, or NULL if the category is the root category.
const Category * log4shib::Category::getParent () const [virtual]¶
Returns the parent category of this category, or NULL if the category is the root category.
Priority::Value log4shib::Category::getPriority () const [virtual]¶
Returns the assigned Priority, if any, for this Category.
Reimplemented in log4shib::FixedContextCategory.
Category & log4shib::Category::getRoot () [static]¶
Return the root of the Category hierarchy. The root category is always instantiated and available. It's name is the empty string.
Unlike in log4j, calling Category.getInstance("") does retrieve the root category and not a category just under root named "".
Priority::Value log4shib::Category::getRootPriority () [static]¶
Get the priority of the root Category.
CategoryStream log4shib::Category::getStream (Priority::Value priority) [virtual]¶
Return a CategoryStream with given Priority.
void log4shib::Category::info (const char * stringFormat, ...)¶
Log a message with info priority.
... The arguments for stringFormat
void log4shib::Category::info (const std::string & message)¶
Log a message with info priority.
CategoryStream log4shib::Category::infoStream () [inline]¶
Return a CategoryStream with priority INFO.
bool log4shib::Category::isAlertEnabled () const [inline]¶
Return true if the Category will log messages with priority ALERT.
bool log4shib::Category::isCritEnabled () const [inline]¶
Return true if the Category will log messages with priority CRIT.
bool log4shib::Category::isDebugEnabled () const [inline]¶
Return true if the Category will log messages with priority DEBUG.
bool log4shib::Category::isEmergEnabled () const [inline]¶
Return true if the Category will log messages with priority EMERG.
bool log4shib::Category::isErrorEnabled () const [inline]¶
Return true if the Category will log messages with priority ERROR.
bool log4shib::Category::isFatalEnabled () const [inline]¶
Return true if the Category will log messages with priority FATAL. NB. priority 'fatal' is equivalent to 'emerg'.
bool log4shib::Category::isInfoEnabled () const [inline]¶
Return true if the Category will log messages with priority INFO.
bool log4shib::Category::isNoticeEnabled () const [inline]¶
Return true if the Category will log messages with priority NOTICE.
bool log4shib::Category::isPriorityEnabled (Priority::Value priority) const [virtual]¶
Returns true if the chained priority of the Category is equal to or higher than given priority.
bool log4shib::Category::isWarnEnabled () const [inline]¶
Return true if the Category will log messages with priority WARN.
void log4shib::Category::log (Priority::Value priority, const char * stringFormat, ...) [virtual]¶
Log a message with the specified priority.
stringFormat Format specifier for the string to write in the log file.
... The arguments for stringFormat
void log4shib::Category::log (Priority::Value priority, const std::string & message) [virtual]¶
Log a message with the specified priority.
message string to write in the log file
void log4shib::Category::logva (Priority::Value priority, const char * stringFormat, va_list va) [virtual]¶
Log a message with the specified priority.
stringFormat Format specifier for the string to write in the log file.
va The arguments for stringFormat.
void log4shib::Category::notice (const char * stringFormat, ...)¶
Log a message with notice priority.
... The arguments for stringFormat
void log4shib::Category::notice (const std::string & message)¶
Log a message with notice priority.
CategoryStream log4shib::Category::noticeStream () [inline]¶
Return a CategoryStream with priority NOTICE.
CategoryStream log4shib::Category::operator<< (Priority::Value priority) [virtual]¶
Return a CategoryStream with given Priority.
bool log4shib::Category::ownsAppender () const [inline]¶
Returns true if the Category owns the first Appender in its Appender set. In that case the Category destructor will delete the Appender.
bool log4shib::Category::ownsAppender (Appender * appender) const [virtual]¶
Returns true if the Category owns the Appender. In that case the Category destructor will delete the Appender.
Reimplemented in log4shib::FixedContextCategory.
void log4shib::Category::removeAllAppenders () [virtual]¶
Removes all appenders for this Category.
Reimplemented in log4shib::FixedContextCategory.
void log4shib::Category::removeAppender (Appender * appender) [virtual]¶
Removes specified appender for this Category.
void log4shib::Category::setAdditivity (bool additivity) [virtual]¶
Set the additivity flag for this Category instance.
Reimplemented in log4shib::FixedContextCategory.
void log4shib::Category::setAppender (Appender & appender) [inline]¶
Adds an Appender for this Category. This method does not pass ownership from the caller to the Category.
void log4shib::Category::setAppender (Appender * appender) [inline]¶
Adds an Appender to this Category. This method passes ownership from the caller to the Category.
void log4shib::Category::setPriority (Priority::Value priority) [virtual]¶
Set the priority of this Category.
void log4shib::Category::setRootPriority (Priority::Value priority) [static]¶
Set the priority of the root Category.
void log4shib::Category::shutdown () [static]¶
This method will remove all Appenders from Categories.XXX.
void log4shib::Category::warn (const char * stringFormat, ...)¶
Log a message with warn priority.
... The arguments for stringFormat
void log4shib::Category::warn (const std::string & message)¶
Log a message with warn priority.
CategoryStream log4shib::Category::warnStream () [inline]¶
Return a CategoryStream with priority WARN.
Friends And Related Symbol Documentation¶
friend class HierarchyMaintainer [friend]¶
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