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LDC - manual page for LDC LLVM D compiler (1.32.0):


OVERVIEW: LDC - the LLVM D compiler

USAGE: ldc2 [options] files --run Runs the resulting program, passing the remaining arguments to it


General options:

-D - Generate documentation

--Dd=<directory> - Write documentation file to <directory>

--Df=<filename> - Write documentation file to <filename>

-H - Generate 'header' file

Use -HC=verbose to add comments for ignored declarations (e.g. extern(D))

--HCd=<directory> - Write C++ 'header' file to <directory>

--HCf=<filename> - Write C++ 'header' file to <filename>

--Hd=<directory> - Write 'header' file to <directory>

--Hf=<filename> - Write 'header' file to <filename>

--Hkeep-all-bodies - Keep all function bodies in .di files

-I <directory> - Look for imports also in <directory>

-J <directory> - Look for string imports also in <directory>

Setting the optimization level:

-O - Equivalent to -O3

--O0 - No optimizations (default)

--O1 - Simple optimizations

--O2 - Good optimizations

--O3 - Aggressive optimizations

--O4 - Equivalent to -O3

--O5 - Equivalent to -O3

--Os - Like -O2 with extra optimizations for size

--Oz - Like -Os but reduces code size further

-X - Generate JSON file

--Xf=<filename> - Write JSON file to <filename>

--allinst - Generate code for all template instantiations

--betterC - Omit generating some runtime information and helper functions

--boundscheck=<value> - Array bounds check

- Disabled
- Enabled for @safe functions only
- Enabled for all functions

-c - Compile only, do not link

--cache=<cache dir> - Enable compilation cache, using <cache dir> to store cache files

--cache-prune - Enable cache pruning.

--cache-prune-expiration=<dur> - Sets the pruning expiration time of cache files to <dur> seconds (default: 1 week). Implies -cache-prune.

--cache-prune-interval=<dur> - Sets the cache pruning interval to <dur> seconds (default: 20 min). Set to 0 to force pruning. Implies -cache-prune.

--cache-prune-maxbytes=<size> - Sets the maximum cache size to <size> bytes. Implies -cache-prune.

--cache-prune-maxpercentage=<perc> - Sets the cache size limit to <perc> percent of the available space (default: 75%). Implies -cache-prune.

--cache-retrieval=<value> - Set the cache retrieval mechanism (default: copy).

- Make a copy of the cache file
- Create a hard link to the cache file (recommended)
- Equal to 'hardlink' on Windows, but 'symlink' on Unix and OS X
- Create a symbolic link to the cache file

--checkaction=<value> - Action to take when an assert/boundscheck/final-switch fails

- Usual D behavior of throwing an AssertError
- Call the C runtime library assert failure function
- Halt the program execution (very lightweight)
- Use D assert with context information (when available)

--conf=<filename> - Use configuration file <filename>

Use -cov=<n> for n% minimum required coverage Use -cov=ctfe to include code executed during CTFE

--cov-increment=<value> - Set the type of coverage line count increment instruction

- Use the default (atomic)
- Atomic increment
- Non-atomic increment (not thread safe)
- Don't read, just set counter to 1
Allow deprecated language features and symbols:

-d - Silently allow deprecated features and symbols

--dw - Issue a message when deprecated features or symbols are used (default)

--de - Issue an error when deprecated features or symbols are used (halt compilation)

--d-debug[=<level/idents>] - Compile in debug code >= <level> or identified by <idents>

--d-version=<level/idents> - Compile in version code >= <level> or identified by <idents>

--deps[=<filename>] - Write module dependencies to <filename> (only imports). '-deps' alone prints module dependencies (imports/file/version/debug/lib)

--enable-asserts=<value> - (*) Enable assertions

--disable-d-passes - Disable all D-specific passes

--disable-gc2stack - Disable promotion of GC allocations to stack memory

--enable-invariants=<value> - (*) Enable invariants

--disable-loop-unrolling - Disable loop unrolling in all relevant passes

--disable-loop-vectorization - Disable the loop vectorization pass

--disable-red-zone - Do not emit code that uses the red zone.

--disable-simplify-drtcalls - Disable simplification of druntime calls

--disable-simplify-libcalls - Disable simplification of well-known C runtime calls

--dllimport=<value> - Windows only: which extern(D) global variables to dllimport implicitly if not defined in a root module

- None (default with -link-defaultlib-shared=false)
- Only druntime/Phobos symbols (default with -link-defaultlib-shared and -fvisibility=hidden).
- All (default with -link-defaultlib-shared and -fvisibility=public)

--dwarf-version=<int> - Dwarf version

--enable-color=<value> - (*) Force colored console output

--enable-contracts=<value> - (*) Enable function pre- and post-conditions

--enable-inlining=<value> - (*) Enable function inlining (default in -O2 and higher)

--enable-postconditions=<value> - (*) Enable function postconditions

--enable-preconditions=<value> - (*) Enable function preconditions

--enable-switch-errors=<value> - (*) Enable runtime errors for unhandled switch cases

--extern-std=<value> - C++ standard for name mangling compatibility

- Sets `__traits(getTargetInfo, "cppStd")` to `199711`
- Sets `__traits(getTargetInfo, "cppStd")` to `201103` (default)
- Sets `__traits(getTargetInfo, "cppStd")` to `201402`
- Sets `__traits(getTargetInfo, "cppStd")` to `201703`
- Sets `__traits(getTargetInfo, "cppStd")` to `202002`

--fdmd-trace-functions - DMD-style runtime performance profiling of generated code

--ffast-math - Set @fastmath for all functions.

--finstrument-functions - Instrument function entry and exit with GCC-compatible profiling calls

--float-abi=<value> - ABI/operations to use for floating-point types:

- Target default floating-point ABI
- Software floating-point ABI and operations
- Soft-float ABI, but hardware floating-point instructions
- Hardware floating-point ABI and instructions

--flto=<value> - Set LTO mode, requires linker support

- Merges all input into a single module
- Parallel importing and codegen (faster than 'full')

--flto-binary=<file> - Set the linker LTO plugin library file (e.g. (Unixes) or libLTO.dylib (Darwin))

--fno-delete-null-pointer-checks - Treat null pointer dereference as defined behavior when optimizing (instead of _un_defined behavior). This prevents the optimizer from assuming that any dereferenced pointer must not have been null and optimize away the branches accordingly.

--fno-discard-value-names - Do not discard value names in LLVM IR

--fno-plt - Do not use the PLT to make function calls

--fp-contract=<value> - Enable aggressive formation of fused FP ops

- Fuse FP ops whenever profitable
- Only fuse 'blessed' FP ops.
- Only fuse FP ops when the result won't be affected.

--fprofile-generate[=<filename>] - Generate instrumented code to collect a runtime profile into default.profraw (overriden by '=<filename>' or LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)

--fprofile-instr-generate[=<filename>] - Generate instrumented code to collect a runtime profile into default.profraw (overriden by '=<filename>' or LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)

--fprofile-instr-use=<filename> - Use instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization

--fprofile-use=<filename> - Use instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization

--frame-pointer=<value> - Specify frame pointer elimination optimization

- Disable frame pointer elimination
- Disable frame pointer elimination for non-leaf frame
- Enable frame pointer elimination

--fsanitize=<checks> - Turn on runtime checks for various forms of undefined or suspicious behavior.

--fsanitize-address-use-after-return=<value> - Select the mode of detecting stack use-after-return (UAR) in AddressSanitizer: never | runtime (default) | always

- Completely disables detection of UAR errors (reduces code size).
- Adds the code for detection, but it can be disabled via the runtime environment (ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_stack_use_after_return=0). Requires druntime support.
- Enables detection of UAR errors in all cases. (reduces code size, but not as much as never). Requires druntime support.

--fsanitize-blacklist=<file> - Add <file> to the blacklist files for the sanitizers.

--fsanitize-coverage=<type> - Specify the type of coverage instrumentation for -fsanitize

--fsanitize-memory-track-origins=<int> - Enable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer (0=disabled, default)

--fsave-optimization-record[=<filename>] - Generate a YAML optimization record file of optimizations performed by LLVM

--fsplit-stack - Use segmented stack (see Clang documentation)

--fthread-model=<value> - Thread model

- Global dynamic TLS model (default)
- Local dynamic TLS model
- Initial exec TLS model
- Local exec TLS model

--ftime-trace - Turn on time profiler. Generates JSON file based on the output filename (also see --ftime-trace-file).

--ftime-trace-file=<filename> - Specify time trace file destination

--ftime-trace-granularity=<uint> - Minimum time granularity (in microseconds) traced by time profiler

--fvisibility=<value> - Default visibility of symbols

- Hidden for Windows targets without -shared, otherwise public
- Only export symbols marked with 'export'
- Export all symbols

--fwarn-stack-size=<threshold> - Warn for stack size bigger than the given number

--fxray-instruction-threshold=<value> - Sets the minimum function size to instrument with XRay

--fxray-instrument - Generate XRay instrumentation sleds on function entry and exit

Generating debug information:

-g - Add symbolic debug info

--gc - Add symbolic debug info, optimize for non D debuggers

--gline-tables-only - Add line tables only

--gdwarf - Emit DWARF debuginfo (instead of CodeView) for MSVC targets

--hash-threshold=<uint> - Hash symbol names longer than this threshold (experimental)

-i[=<pattern>] - Include imported modules in the compilation

--ignore - Ignore unsupported pragmas

--lib - Create static library

--linkonce-templates - Use discardable linkonce_odr linkage for template symbols and lazily & recursively define all referenced instantiated symbols in each object file

--linkonce-templates-aggressive - Experimental, more aggressive variant

--lowmem - Enable the garbage collector for the LDC front-end. This reduces the compiler memory requirements but increases compile times.

--lto-pass-remarks-filter=<regex> - Only record optimization remarks from passes whose names match the given regular expression

--lto-pass-remarks-format=<format> - The format used for serializing remarks (default: YAML)

--lto-pass-remarks-output=<filename> - Output filename for pass remarks

--m32 - 32 bit target

--m64 - 64 bit target

--mabi=<string> - The name of the ABI to be targeted from the backend

--main - Add default main() if not present already (e.g. for unittesting)

--makedeps[=<filename>] - Write module dependencies in Makefile compatible format to <filename>/stdout (only imports)

--march=<string> - Architecture to generate code for (see --version)

--mattr=<a1,+a2,-a3,...> - Target specific attributes (-mattr=help for details)

--mcpu=<cpu-name> - Target a specific cpu type (-mcpu=help for details)

--mdcompute-file-prefix=<prefix> - Prefix to prepend to the generated kernel files.

--mdcompute-targets=<targets> - Generates code for the specified DCompute target list. Use 'ocl-xy0' for OpenCL x.y, and 'cuda-xy0' for CUDA CC x.y

--mixin=<filename> - Expand and save mixins to <filename>

--mtriple=<string> - Override target triple

--mv=<<package.module>=<filespec>> - Use <filespec> as source file for <package.module>

--noasm - Disallow use of inline assembler

--nogc - Do not allow code that generates implicit garbage collector calls

--o- - Do not write object file

--od=<directory> - Write object files to <directory>

--of=<filename> - Use <filename> as output file name

--op - Preserve source path for output files

--oq - Write object files with fully qualified names

--output-bc - Write LLVM bitcode

--output-ll - Write LLVM IR

--output-mlir - Write MLIR

--output-o - Write native object

--output-s - Write native assembly

--passmanager=<value> - Setting the passmanager (new,legacy):

- Use the legacy passmanager (available for LLVM14 and below)
- Use the new passmanager (available for LLVM14 and above)

--plugin=<,> - Pass plugins to load.

--preview=<name> - Enable an upcoming language change identified by <name>, use ? for list

--release - Compile release version, defaulting to disabled asserts/contracts/invariants, and bounds checks in @safe functions only

--relocation-model=<value> - Choose relocation model

- Non-relocatable code
- Fully relocatable, position independent code
- Relocatable external references, non-relocatable code
- Code and read-only data relocatable, accessed PC-relative
- Read-write data relocatable, accessed relative to static base
- Combination of ropi and rwpi

--revert=<name> - Revert language change identified by <name>, use ? for list

--run <string>... - Runs the resulting program, passing the remaining arguments to it

--shared - Create shared library (DLL)

--singleobj - Create only a single output object file

--template-depth=<uint> - Set maximum number of nested template instantiations

--threads=<int> -

--transition=<name> - Help with language change identified by <name>, use ? for list

--unittest - Compile in unit tests

-v - Verbose

--v-cg - Verbose codegen

--vcolumns - Print character (column) numbers in diagnostics

--verror-style=<value> - Set the style for file/line number annotations on compiler messages

- 'file(line[,column]): message' (default)
- 'file:line[:column]: message', conforming to the GNU standard used by gcc and clang

--verrors=<uint> - Limit the number of error messages (0 means unlimited)

--verrors-context - Show error messages with the context of the erroring source line

--verrors-spec - Show errors from speculative compiles such as __traits(compiles,...)

--vgc - List all gc allocations including hidden ones

Use -vtemplates=list-instances to additionally show all instantiation contexts for each template

--vv - Print front-end/glue code debug log


-w - Enable warnings as errors (compilation will halt)

--wi - Enable warnings as messages (compilation will continue)

Generic Options:

--help - Display available options (--help-hidden for more)

--help-list - Display list of available options (--help-list-hidden for more)

--version - Display the version of this program

Linking options:

-L <linkerflag> - Pass <linkerflag> to the linker

--Xcc=<ccflag> - Pass <ccflag> to GCC/Clang for linking

--defaultlib=<lib1,lib2,...> - Default libraries to link with (overrides previous)

--disable-linker-strip-dead - Do not try to remove unused symbols during linking

--gcc=<gcc|clang|...> - C compiler to use for linking (and external assembling). Defaults to the CC environment variable if set, otherwise to `cc`.

--link-defaultlib-debug - Link with debug versions of default libraries

--link-defaultlib-shared - Link with shared versions of default libraries. Defaults to true when generating a shared library (-shared).

--linker=<lld-link|lld|gold|bfd|...> - Set the linker to use. When explicitly set to '' (nothing), prevents LDC from passing `-fuse-ld` to `cc`.

--mscrtlib=<libcmt[d]|msvcrt[d]> - MS C runtime library to link with

--platformlib=<lib1,lib2,...> - Platform libraries to link with (overrides previous)

--static - Create a statically linked binary, including all system dependencies

-d-debug can also be specified without options, in which case it enables all debug checks (i.e. asserts, boundschecks, contracts and invariants) as well as acting as -d-debug=1.

Boolean options can take an optional value, e.g., -link-defaultlib-shared=<true,false>. Boolean options marked with (*) also have a -disable-FOO variant with inverted meaning.

based on DMD v2.102.2 and LLVM 15.0.7 built with LDC - the LLVM D compiler (1.32.0) Default target: x86_64-suse-linux Host CPU: (unknown) -
Registered Targets:
- AArch64 (little endian)
aarch64_32 - AArch64 (little endian ILP32) aarch64_be - AArch64 (big endian) amdgcn - AMD GCN GPUs arm - ARM arm64 - ARM64 (little endian) arm64_32 - ARM64 (little endian ILP32) armeb - ARM (big endian) avr - Atmel AVR Microcontroller bpf - BPF (host endian) bpfeb - BPF (big endian) bpfel - BPF (little endian) hexagon - Hexagon lanai - Lanai m68k - Motorola 68000 family mips - MIPS (32-bit big endian) mips64 - MIPS (64-bit big endian) mips64el - MIPS (64-bit little endian) mipsel - MIPS (32-bit little endian) msp430 - MSP430 [experimental] nvptx - NVIDIA PTX 32-bit nvptx64 - NVIDIA PTX 64-bit ppc32 - PowerPC 32 ppc32le - PowerPC 32 LE ppc64 - PowerPC 64 ppc64le - PowerPC 64 LE r600 - AMD GPUs HD2XXX-HD6XXX riscv32 - 32-bit RISC-V riscv64 - 64-bit RISC-V sparc - Sparc sparcel - Sparc LE sparcv9 - Sparc V9 systemz - SystemZ thumb - Thumb thumbeb - Thumb (big endian) ve - VE wasm32 - WebAssembly 32-bit wasm64 - WebAssembly 64-bit x86 - 32-bit X86: Pentium-Pro and above x86-64 - 64-bit X86: EM64T and AMD64 xcore - XCore


The full documentation for LDC is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and LDC programs are properly installed at your site, the command

info LDC

should give you access to the complete manual.

December 2023 the LLVM D compiler (1.32.0):