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/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/lapack-3.12.0/TESTING/EIG/sget31.f(3) Library Functions Manual /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/lapack-3.12.0/TESTING/EIG/sget31.f(3)





subroutine SGET31 (rmax, lmax, ninfo, knt)

Function/Subroutine Documentation

subroutine SGET31 (real rmax, integer lmax, integer, dimension( 2 ) ninfo, integer knt)



!> SGET31 tests SLALN2, a routine for solving
!>    (ca A - w D)X = sB
!> where A is an NA by NA matrix (NA=1 or 2 only), w is a real (NW=1) or
!> complex (NW=2) constant, ca is a real constant, D is an NA by NA real
!> diagonal matrix, and B is an NA by NW matrix (when NW=2 the second
!> column of B contains the imaginary part of the solution).  The code
!> returns X and s, where s is a scale factor, less than or equal to 1,
!> which is chosen to avoid overflow in X.
!> If any singular values of ca A-w D are less than another input
!> parameter SMIN, they are perturbed up to SMIN.
!> The test condition is that the scaled residual
!>     norm( (ca A-w D)*X - s*B ) /
!>           ( max( ulp*norm(ca A-w D), SMIN )*norm(X) )
!> should be on the order of 1.  Here, ulp is the machine precision.
!> Also, it is verified that SCALE is less than or equal to 1, and that
!> XNORM = infinity-norm(X).



!>          RMAX is REAL
!>          Value of the largest test ratio.


!>          LMAX is INTEGER
!>          Example number where largest test ratio achieved.


!>          NINFO is INTEGER array, dimension (2)
!>          NINFO(1) = number of examples with INFO less than 0
!>          NINFO(2) = number of examples with INFO greater than 0


!>          KNT is INTEGER
!>          Total number of examples tested.


Univ. of Tennessee

Univ. of California Berkeley

Univ. of Colorado Denver

NAG Ltd.

Definition at line 90 of file sget31.f.


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Version 3.12.0 LAPACK