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/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/lapack-3.12.0/TESTING/LIN/clavhp.f(3) Library Functions Manual /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/lapack-3.12.0/TESTING/LIN/clavhp.f(3)





subroutine CLAVHP (uplo, trans, diag, n, nrhs, a, ipiv, b, ldb, info)

Function/Subroutine Documentation

subroutine CLAVHP (character uplo, character trans, character diag, integer n, integer nrhs, complex, dimension( * ) a, integer, dimension( * ) ipiv, complex, dimension( ldb, * ) b, integer ldb, integer info)



!>    CLAVHP  performs one of the matrix-vector operations
!>       x := A*x  or  x := A^H*x,
!>    where x is an N element vector and  A is one of the factors
!>    from the symmetric factorization computed by CHPTRF.
!>    CHPTRF produces a factorization of the form
!>         U * D * U^H     or     L * D * L^H,
!>    where U (or L) is a product of permutation and unit upper (lower)
!>    triangular matrices, U^H (or L^H) is the conjugate transpose of
!>    U (or L), and D is Hermitian and block diagonal with 1 x 1 and
!>    2 x 2 diagonal blocks.  The multipliers for the transformations
!>    and the upper or lower triangular parts of the diagonal blocks
!>    are stored columnwise in packed format in the linear array A.
!>    If TRANS = 'N' or 'n', CLAVHP multiplies either by U or U * D
!>    (or L or L * D).
!>    If TRANS = 'C' or 'c', CLAVHP multiplies either by U^H or D * U^H
!>    (or L^H or D * L^H ).

!>           On entry, UPLO specifies whether the triangular matrix
!>           stored in A is upper or lower triangular.
!>              UPLO = 'U' or 'u'   The matrix is upper triangular.
!>              UPLO = 'L' or 'l'   The matrix is lower triangular.
!>           Unchanged on exit.
!>           On entry, TRANS specifies the operation to be performed as
!>           follows:
!>              TRANS = 'N' or 'n'   x := A*x.
!>              TRANS = 'C' or 'c'   x := A^H*x.
!>           Unchanged on exit.
!>           On entry, DIAG specifies whether the diagonal blocks are
!>           assumed to be unit matrices, as follows:
!>              DIAG = 'U' or 'u'   Diagonal blocks are unit matrices.
!>              DIAG = 'N' or 'n'   Diagonal blocks are non-unit.
!>           Unchanged on exit.
!>  N      - INTEGER
!>           On entry, N specifies the order of the matrix A.
!>           N must be at least zero.
!>           Unchanged on exit.
!>           On entry, NRHS specifies the number of right hand sides,
!>           i.e., the number of vectors x to be multiplied by A.
!>           NRHS must be at least zero.
!>           Unchanged on exit.
!>  A      - COMPLEX array, dimension( N*(N+1)/2 )
!>           On entry, A contains a block diagonal matrix and the
!>           multipliers of the transformations used to obtain it,
!>           stored as a packed triangular matrix.
!>           Unchanged on exit.
!>  IPIV   - INTEGER array, dimension( N )
!>           On entry, IPIV contains the vector of pivot indices as
!>           determined by CSPTRF or CHPTRF.
!>           If IPIV( K ) = K, no interchange was done.
!>           If IPIV( K ) <> K but IPIV( K ) > 0, then row K was inter-
!>           changed with row IPIV( K ) and a 1 x 1 pivot block was used.
!>           If IPIV( K ) < 0 and UPLO = 'U', then row K-1 was exchanged
!>           with row | IPIV( K ) | and a 2 x 2 pivot block was used.
!>           If IPIV( K ) < 0 and UPLO = 'L', then row K+1 was exchanged
!>           with row | IPIV( K ) | and a 2 x 2 pivot block was used.
!>  B      - COMPLEX array, dimension( LDB, NRHS )
!>           On entry, B contains NRHS vectors of length N.
!>           On exit, B is overwritten with the product A * B.
!>  LDB    - INTEGER
!>           On entry, LDB contains the leading dimension of B as
!>           declared in the calling program.  LDB must be at least
!>           max( 1, N ).
!>           Unchanged on exit.
!>           INFO is the error flag.
!>           On exit, a value of 0 indicates a successful exit.
!>           A negative value, say -K, indicates that the K-th argument
!>           has an illegal value.


Univ. of Tennessee

Univ. of California Berkeley

Univ. of Colorado Denver

NAG Ltd.

Definition at line 129 of file clavhp.f.


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Version 3.12.0 LAPACK