lalfr-print -- prints channel data from frame files
lalfr-print [file ...]
The lalfr-print utility reads the contents of the channels from each file and prints the data to the standard output. If file is a single dash (`-') or absent, lalfr-print reads from the standard input.
For each channel contained in file, the output is written in two-column format where the first column is the GPS time of each sample and the second column contains the corresponding sample values. The columns are separated by a tab character (``\t'') and each line is separated by a newline character (``\n'').
Each channel in file is written sequentially and are separated by a line containing a separator consisting of the character ``#'' followed by the name of the next channel to be written. If more than one file argument is present then the separate files are processed sequentially and separated in the output by a line containing the separator ``==> file <=='' where file is the name of the current file being processed.
The command:
prints to standard output all the channels contained in file.gwf. If there are more than one channel present in that file, they can be split into separate files, each containing a single channel's data, with the command:
and the resulting files are named after each of the channels in file.gwf with a ``.txt'' extension.
Jolien Creighton
10 June 2013 | LALFrame |