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lalapps_ring - filters data through a bank of ringdown filters


lalapps_ring [--help] [--version] [--verbose] [--gps-start-time startsec] [--gps-start-time-ns startnan] [--gps-end-time endsec] [--gps-end-time-ns endnan] [--channel-name channel] [--calibration-frame-cache calcache] [--response-file respfile] [--data-frame-cache datcache] [--frame-files pattern] [--frame-path path] [--bank-start-template bmin] [--bank-end-template bmax] [--output-file outfile] [--sample-rate srate] [--user-tag tag] [--userTag tag] [--filter-params parfile] [--filter-params parfile] --filter-segsz npts [--filter-speclen len] --filter-flow flow --filter-fmin fmin --filter-fmax fmax --filter-qmin qmin --filter-qmax qmax --filter-maxmm maxmm --filter-thresh thrsh [--filter-scale scale]


lalapps_ring uses matched filtering to search for ringdown waveforms in gravitational wave data.


Print a help message.
Print the version information.
Verbose output.
Analyze data starting at GPS time startsec seconds. [Default is to start at the beginning of available data.]
Analyze data starting startnan nano-seconds after startsec. [Default is to start at the beginning of available data.]
Analyze data ending at GPS time endsec seconds. [Default is to analyze 64 seconds of data after the start time.]
Analyze data ending endnan nano-seconds after endsec. [Default is to analyze 64 seconds of data after the start time.]
Analyze the data channel channel. [Default is H1:LSC-AS_Q.]
Get and update calibration information using the frame files specified in the cache file calcache. [Default is to used a fixed ascii response function.]
Get calibration information from fixed response function ascii file respfile. [Default is response.asc.]
Get data to analyze from frame files specified in the cache file datcache. [Default is to use specified frame files.]
Specify the frame files containing the data to analyze using the pattern pattern. [Default is *.gwf.]
Specify the directory path which containing the frame files containing the data to analyze. [Default is ..]
Specify the first template in the template bank to filter. [Default is 0, which is the first template.]
Specify the last template in the template bank to filter. [Default is the last template in the bank.]
Specify the output file to write event results. [Default is IFO-RING-tstart-duration.xml.]
Specify the desired sampling rate srate in Hz; the raw data will be resampled to this sampling rate if it is not already at this sampling rate. [Default is to use the raw sampling rate.]
Specify an arbitrary user tag.
Read filter parameters from file parfile. [Default is to read parameters from command line.]
Specify the appropriate filter parameter filterparam to value. Possible options are:
Set filter parameter -segsz to value npts.
Set filter parameter -speclen to value len.
Set filter parameter -flow to value flow.
Set filter parameter -fmin to value fmin.
Set filter parameter -fmax to value fmax.
Set filter parameter -qmin to value qmin.
Set filter parameter -qmax to value qmax.
Set filter parameter -maxmm to value maxmm.
Set filter parameter -thresh to value thrsh.
Set filter parameter -scale to value scale.


The filter parameters can be specified either on the command line as --filter-type options or in a resource file that is input using the --filter-params option. As a resource file, each option-value pair should have their own line.

Set the size of segments analyzed to npts points.
Set the size of inverse spectrum truncation to len points [0].
Set the low frequency cutoff to flow Hz.
Set the minimum frequency for the bank to fmin Hz.
Set the maximum frequency for the bank to fmax Hz.
Set the minimum quality for the bank to qmin.
Set the maximum quality for the bank to qmax.
Set the maximum allowed mismatch for the bank to maxmm.
Set the ringdown event signal-to-noise ratio threshold to thresh.
Scale the response function by a dynamic range factor of scale.


Default LAL debug level to use.


Jolien Creighton

11 July 2001 LALApps